Cursed!Saltwater Taffy X Ice Cookie "I just can't die...~!"

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Trigger warning ahead for: Death mention, mention of self harm, mentions of past suicide attempts, mentions of overdosing, suicidal thoughts, suicidal tendencies, mention of conversion therapy, and mention of suicide. Read carefully, viewer discretion is advised.

The Captain watched Saltwater carefully as he got pulled out of the water from over the side of the ship. She'd noticed he'd started acting...Differently recently. She decided to take her leave to go ask him what was going on. Saltwater had went into his quarters for...something.

Ice cookie knocked on Saltwater's door, opening it when she got the all clear, finding him writing something down in a leatherbound notebook. "I...Erm....Saw you get pulled out of the water by Peppermint and Sorbet Shark earlier, is...everything alright?" She asked carefully.

He spun around making direct eye contact with the Captain, face shadowed and pupils pin-pricks, bolting upright and saluting.  "Everything's fine, ma'am~!" He smiled. She narrowed her eyes cautiously.

"Oh? Then what were you doing in the water?" She asked cautiously. Saltwater chuckled, worrying the Captain slightly. "Is something fun-" She started.

"I was drowning, ma'am~!" He hummed. Her stomach dropped.

"What....? Why...?!" She asked shakily. He chuckled, handing the notebook to her. 

"This," he said as she opened it and started to read through. "Is a counting notebook~! Of what, you ask~?" He made direct eye contact. "Every time I've died~!" He giggled.

"That...That doesn't make any sense!" She said shutting the notebook and tossing it back onto his bed. 

"Doesn't it~?" He hummed, tilting his head slightly.

"No, it doesn't. I don't think you get how serious this is." Ice cookie lectured.

Saltwater giggled. "No, no, no, I get it perfectly well~! You're the who doesn't get it~!" Saltwater grabbed the notebook, opening it and reading through it once again.

"At first I started off pretty vanilla, testing the waters, seeing what worked, ya know~! OD-ing, hanging, burning alive-that one was a one-time thing-and of course the classic headshot~!" Saltwater hummed.

"Then it escalated to cutting myself and bleeding out, blunt force trauma, starvation, dehydration, you name it, I've tried it~! Some work quicker than others though."

"You're...You're INSANE." Ice Cookie said shakily.

"I'm better than insane, my dear~! I'm immortal~!" Saltwater chuckled shakily.

"Oh...Pure Vanilla..."

"I've lived a million lives, I've died a million deaths~! No matter what I try, nothing ever works." Saltwater sighed.

"I...don't understand, how did you find out you couldn't die at first?" Ice asked, confused.

"I hit a low point. My lowest point of my life. I just wanted out. I wanted to leave and never come back. Never return to the pain I'd been living with." Saltwater chuckled tearfully.  "I'd taken to hurting myself whenever I screwed up and the bigger the screwup, the bigger the wound...~!"

"That's-" Ice started.

"Unhealthy, I know. But it seemed like the only way out was to just...go through the exit and never return. Nobody ever listened to me, why bother staying at the party, ya know?" Saltwater chuckled sadly.

"I just...I screwed up really badly that day and just...ya know."

"That explains all the scars you have..." Ice Cookie said softly.

"Yeah..! All of 'em are from past attempts...!"

"You have so many...!" Ice Cookie frowned.

"Yeah...! I never said anything because I didn't wanna scare anybody...! Besides, I'd come right back like nothing happened...!" Saltwater chuckled, tearing up slightly.

Ice Cookie gently put a hand on Saltwater's shoulder. "You need help. I would be willing to help you find that help you need, but it needs to be a professional."

"I....I know..." Saltwater sighed.

"Is....something wrong with that?" Ice Cookie asked, concerned.

"I...haven't had the best experience with therapists 'n' shit." Saltwater explained.

"Oh? Mind telling why?" Ice Cookie asked.

"One word: Conversion."

Ice Cookie's facial expression softened to one of understanding. "Oh...I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I'm willing to give it a shot, but..." Saltwater made eye contact. "Don't expect anything."

"I'll only expect your best. That's all I can expect." She assured. "And if you ever...feel like this, try to see if I'm available to talk, alright? I'll try my best to be open to listen."

"Thanks..." Saltwater said softly. Ice Cookie walked to the door, stopping before leaving.

"Oh, and one more thing." Ice Cookie said, turning to face Saltwater.

"Y-Yeah...?" Saltwater asked, worried he got in trouble.

"I love you. Scars or no scars, immortality or no immortality." She said, turning and walking back out to her station.

Faced again with being alone, Saltwater muttered something out loud. 

"Love you too..."

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