A Continutation Exists!

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Hello everyone! As you probably can tell by the vast amount of time I haven't worked on this fic I won't be continuing myself. But don't be discouraged! A while back someone who read this fic fell in love with it and asked if they could continue it. I agreed and I fully support them and have given full use of the story. I've read a bit of what has been posted and I will say they doing a very good job at continuing my story. You can find the fic at @skzstayxbtsarmy (skzstayxbtsarmy )

Please support them!!
Also I need to apologize to them because I promised to make this post earlier but kept forgetting, sorry!!

Thank you for keeping up with my fic and I hope you find enjoyment reading their continuation, I did when checking up on what's happened so far.
They said they're on vacation rn on their newest authors note so don't pester them too much please.
Once again Thank you all for the love and support in the past and I hope you love the story they will create!

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