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"Give. me. back. my. camera." "You stole his camera?!" "Yeah, He's not getting it back until he signs up too" Boasted Felix from the corner of the room. "Bet." What followed was Seungmin aggressively chasing Changbin and Felix around the room through the various furniture that Chan set up to make a cozy atmosphere for the club. After a few minutes of yelling from all parties involved, Seungmin's anger increased to its limit and began to threaten the two thieves. "Alright you two, I can and will use fire against you" Needless to say the vampire and merman were starting to freak out at the thought of fire being used against them. Before a big enough flame could form into Seungmin's hand, all three had suddenly stopped dead in their movements. 

"I'm going to keep you three frozen until you calm down" Chan announced what spell he used whilst walking over to Felix, from there grabbing Seungmin's precious camera and setting it down on the table. "You guys are on time out now" "...Um...Hyung, I'm done filling out the form" Jeongin interjected as he began to relax from his originally stiff position. "Ah, Thank you..." Chan trailed off to read Jeongin's name on the form "Jeongin, sorry about them, Seungmin just is protective of his camera" Chan gives a reassuring smile. 

The door opens to reveal Woojin and Hyunjin walking into the club room. Chan greeted Woojin friendly as he welcomed Hyunjin and gave them both a form. Woojin immediately questioned the sorry state of his other friends and subsequently laughed at the situation they created. Woojin talked more with Jeongin and Hyunjin was invited along into their conversation "Ah, so are they cold, cause it's a 'freezing' spell?~" Hyunjin asked. Chan chuckled "Ah~ I wish, but no...Maybe they've 'cooled' down by now~" Regardless of their jokes, Chan released the three from his spell. The three broke down to the ground while groaning "Your puns are awful!" whined Changbin. Chan handed Felix and Changbin forms while handing Seungmin his camera "Sorry for them trying to blackmail you into the club, Seungmin" "Nah it's fine, I was gonna sign up anyways" "Really!?" Chan blew up in excitement and grabbed a form for Seungmin. Noticing Jisung wasn't in the room yet, Woojin asked: "Where's our beloved nymph?" 

"They'll understand I was feeding you guys, right?" Jisung said to his squirrel friend before saying goodbye and entering the building he needed to. As Jisung approached the door, he saw a hesitant Minho weighing in on whether he should enter or not. "Minho~~!" Jisung sang from the other end of the hallway as he approached. Minho jumped and swatted at Jisung "Don't go around yelling my name out" Jisung pouted but moved on and went back to smiling "Are you joining the music club?~ I'm in it~ I'm a pretty important member actually" "Doubt" "Hey!! I actually am!!" "Either way...I don't think I'd really be welcomed" "Ahh, nonsense, I'll prove it!~" "How- W-wait!" Before Minho could protest, Jisung was pushing him through the door, Just how strong was this kid?

Most everyone cheered as Jisung entered "Jisung!" except for Hyunjin who cheered belatedly as he realized he should have cheered too. Jeongin patted Hunjin on the shoulder "I'm new to this group too, don't worry about it" Hyunjin smiled reassuringly. "Two forms please Chanie~" Jisung sang as he held Minho back from leaving the room by his jacket sleeve. Soon after Chan decided no one else would be coming, he began a formal introduction of himself and the club. For the formalities of it, they all introduced their names and species. Eventually, the flow stopped when it came to the last person to introduce themselves, Minho. The silence drew on until Chan broke the pause.

"Lee Minho, right?" "...Yeah" Chan took a breath in and walked over to Minho "You're accepted here, you being a Nephilim doesn't stop any of us here from wanting to be close to you" The rest of the group said their agreements to the statement and how they looked forward to seeing who he was beyond the rumors. Jisung especially gave Minho a supportive smile. Minho nodded and thanked them "...Thank you so much" The smile Minho gave off truly blessed everyone in the room. "wait...THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE THE WHOLE TIME?! Oh, that's so much better than being a complicated family tree relative of mine!" Hyunjin 

(Author's note: So sorry for the heavy delay, but thank you for reading. I thought a longer than usual chapter would be worthy for you all! Hope you enjoyed it! See you all later <3) 

Monster HighSchool! Stray kids FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя