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I run outside of the hotel, in the hope that he won't follow me. My mom told me that he wanted to talk to me, but I can't stand talking to him or even look into his deep brown eyes. This would break me and my heart. I suffer from anxiety and depression for almost 10 years now. I told him that I suffer from anxiety. He tried to understand me and to help me to get better. In the years when he was my boyfriend I was at my worst and me and my Mom decided its for the best when I went to Germany. There was a clinic for me. I was there for 2 years and then I moved to a apartment near that clinic. I talked to the doctors every other day. Music helped me. I still suffer from these, but I feel more stable now. As I saw him in this hotel with the whole band I was getting a panic and anxiety attack. ,,Breath ... Liv ... Breathe ... Every .. Thing ... Is ... Going ... To .... Be ... Alright ... Your ...", I said to myself. ,,Liv?", I heard a very familiar voice say. I didn't look him in the eye. I just walk pass him and went back to the hotel. ,,Hello? Liv? Can we please talk?", he asked. I just ignored him and walked to Liliah. ,,Are the rooms ready?? I'm not feeling well?", I asked her. She nodded. ,,Hi, Liv", Vic said to me and I just waved cause I'm having an anxiety attack. When we arrived in the room. I straight run into the bathroom and sit down on floor. I was feeling nausea and I had these switches from cold to hot. I put face on my knees to end this attack but it won't work. Then I was shacking all over my entire body. ,,Liv?? Liv?? Are you ok? Is it because of the Italians?", my friend asked. She knew that I was born in Italy and that I spend until 5 years ago all my life in Italy. I never told her his name and the name of his band. Cause when I would do it my depression will get worse. After we broke up it was so bad that I tried to kill my self a couple of times. One time was in coma because of it. I was all in my thoughts when Vic send me a pic with a text. I almost started crying when I read this text messages. I was wondering why she text me in English. We always text in Italian.

Vic:  Hey Girl, I saw you in Rotterdam at the hotel

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Vic: Hey Girl, I saw you in Rotterdam at the hotel. Why are you here? Can we met and talk. I saw that you saw him and then ran away? Are you having an attack? What's your room number I'll come please tell me I'm worried. Just sending this pic for social support. I love you bestie ❤️

Livy: Ciao, Vic, perché in inglese e non in Italiano? Sì, mi avete visto qui a Rotterdam, perché parteciperò alla Eurovision Song Contest per la Germania. Penso che tu sia qui per lo stesso motivo. Sono fiero di te e di Månskin. Mi piacerebbe molto parlare con te. Potete venire nella stanza 504. La mia ragazza lo aprirà per te. Perché, come te, ho un attacco di panico. Amo questa foto fino a presto. 

I laid my phone down and tried to breathe slowly. After a few minutes someone was knocking on the bathroom...

A/N: I just wanna thank you for almost 100 reads on my first part. I'm sorry If my English isn't the best but I'll try my best. WHO DO YOU THINK WAS KNOcking ?


1.) Hi, Vic, why are you texting in English and not in Italian? Yes, you saw me here in Rotterdam, because I will participate in the ESC for Germany. I think you're here for the same reason. I'm very proud of you and Måneskin. I'd love to talk to you come to room 508 and my friend will open it. Because, like you said I have a panic attack. Love this pic

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