Chapter 40

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Please Read and answer question at the Author note.

Ana Bell Pov

I slowly woke up this morning. Not wanting to get away from Ross but I had to get up at one point.

"Ross wake up." I slowly sat up. He still didn't wake so I decided I would get ready for my day.

I wore a simple black jeans and white sweater shirt my hair in a bun. I walked out of the bathroom to find Ross on the bed flicking though the channels on the tv.

"Morning ." He yawned.

"Morning." I said to him back. "Wanna ask the others and see if they wanna get a bite to eat somewhere?"

"Sure let me go take a shower and get dressed." He got up from bed getting a change of clothes.

I layed on the bed waiting for Ross. A knocked on the door caused me to get up. I opened seeing Ed.

"Hey what's up?" I asked him. He was all dressed up.

"I have an interview I need to get going to. I just wanted to tell you incase you don't see me in my room." He said.

"Okay see you later." I hugged him and closed the door.

Just as I did Ross walked out his hair wet. He wore denim jeans and a black long sleeve sweater.

"Who was that?" He asked running his fingers though his wet hair.

"Ed he had an interview to get to." I answered getting my shoes.

"Oh." He said getting his own shoes as well.

When we where done getting our coats on. We called the others telling them to meet us at the lobby. We all actually met in the elevator all squished up against each other.

"Where do you guys want to go eat?" Asked Rodrick as we put our hoods on and sunglasses even though the sun wasn't shining in New York.

"I don't know I feeling in the mood for pizza." Said Rocky.

"Okay pizza it is let's call a cab because it's to cold to be walking." I got out my phone dialing a cab.


A cab soon came up at the front of the hotel. It was a small yellow mini van that we would be to fit in. Everyone wanted to get in to get some warmth from the cold weather of New York.

"Where to?" The cab driver had a very strong New Yorker accent.

"To the best pizza place?"

"I know just the place." He began to drive. "So you kids from around here?"

"No sir. Where on tour." I told him he seemed a little surprised.

"Really?" We all just nodded our heads.

"Where R5." Ross gestured to his bandmates.

"And my brother and I are a duet Ana and Rodrick." I gestured to my older brother.

"Ah I know who you guys are my daughter is obsessed with you guys." He finally remembered us. "Would you mind if I ask for an autograph?" He asked for when we pulled up at a old style brick pizza place.

"Sure why not." We all signed a piece of paper for him. We payed him as well after getting out.

We all got in pizza place. The smell would hit you when you got in. We sat in a huge table so we could all fit.

"This place looks good." Riker looked around.

We all took our jackets off then soon after a waiter came to order our drinks. We order our drinks and the waiter left.

"Let's just order pepperoni pizza?" I said since I knew everyone like that topping. They all nodded in approval.

The waiter came back with our drinks and then we ordered three large pizzas.

"I can't wait to get back to California." I sighed loudly looking and the snowflakes that fell outside.

"I know." Rodrick agreed "But then we're probably straight to studio for the album."

"I know." I used his words. "But it's all worth it."

"It's is trust us." Rocky added.

"Rodrick and I can spend some more time with each other." Rydel laided her head on his shoulder.

"And I can't wait." He kissed her head. "I love you." He mumbled.

"I can finally ask the girl of my dreams out." Ross smirked at me.

"And who would that be Ross?" Ellington sarcastically said.

"Yeah Ross who?" I nudge him.

"Oh just some girl." He went along.

"Pizza here." The waiter came with our pizza setting them in the center of the table "Anything else?"

"No thank you." I thanked and he left going to other tables. "Let's dig in." I said getting a slice.


"I'm don't think I can fit another slice." Ryland groaned his crust still on his plate.

"Yeah me netiher." Rodrick slumped in his chair.

"Then let's get going I'll pay." I offered.

"No I'll pay." Ross was against me.

"No I said I will pay Ross." I started to unzip my purse.

"At least let's split it." He gave me a pleaded look.

"Fine I sighed." Picking up the bill. Dividing it in two.

We left the money on the table leaving out the door with our sunglasses and hoods on.

"Where else do you guys wanna go." I said kicking a pebble across the sidewalk.

"Let's go somewhere fun." Suggested Rydel who snuggle into Rodrick. "Arcade?"

"Sounds fun I'll look on one up." Riker pulled his phone out. Soon he found near by and we all walked their.

"I haven't been to an arcade in a long time." I walked in looking at the flashing bright lights of the machines. Prizes hanged the walls along with many type of candy's . Kids and young teens scattered all over the place.

"How many tokens for each." Asked a young man at the front.

"Um 70 each would be fine." Riker said as the man put wrist bands on.

We payed entering the arcade we all went separate ways.

"Come let's go to this one." I felt Ross pull me .

He took me to a machine that had a little fake gun to it.

"How do you play this?" I asked as he inserted two little golden tokens.

"I think you just shoot things." He pick up the gun pushing the trigger making a gun noise. "See you just shoot the the deer."

"Let me try." I took the gun away from him shooting the deer on the screen.


When we left we exchange our tickets for candy. It was fun hanging out like we all ways used to when we where in California.
We hot back to our hotel rooms in our separate ways. I changed into some comfy clothes snuggling into the warm blankets.

"You cold?" Said Ross since only my head was poking oit of the blankets.

I nodded my head a turning the TV on to the news. Ross took of his jacket and shoes getting in bed with me.

The whole day we just watched tv together cuddling together.

Important news: Only updating on Thursday. And other news do you guys want the book to end when they get back to California then I could write a short squeal about them together?

Oh and pic of Riker cause he going to be on dancing with the stars. I can't wait to see him dance. Ps If you didn't know I am a total Riker's girl.

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