Chapter 47 *Picking up the Lynches and Ellington*

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a/n; Whole chapter in Mayas point of view. If you don't remember who she is Rydel and Ana Bell met her in the cafe where her and father run. Since then Maya has helped Ana Bell write songs. She is a great addition to the group of friends and even Rockys new crush.

Maya is played by Secretly_R5_BF

-If this didn't help you remember go back to chapter 31- 


"Aren't you exicted to go pick them up?" Mr.Lynch beamed.

Today we were going to go pick up the Lynches and of course Ellington. But just them not Ana Bell and Rodrick their not coming till tommrow night.

"Of course."

Getting to the airport we waited a little outside until we saw them walking to us. When they spotted us they started to jog.

"Maya!" Rydel squealed giving me a big hug. "I missed you!"

"Missed you too girl." She lightly kissed my cheek then going to go hug her father.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug?" Rockys voice startled me from behind.

"I don't know? Should I?" I put my finger to my chin.

"I know you do." He gave a bone crushing hug.

"Miss me much?" I smirked at him.

"Couldn't stop think of you." He whispered in my ear making me blush.


I sat next to Ross in the back. He wasn't being his normal self. He actually looked sad. I knew what's going on bewteen him and Ana Bell. The whole lie that she cheated on him. But I know for a fact that she would never do that. And she told me the pictures were fake. Then I saw the interview yesterday Ross dropping the whole I only like her as a friend thing. Which probably hurt Ana Bell.

"Hey Ross you okay?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Well I heard the whole Ana Bell kissing Louis thing and you think she cheated."

"Look I'm fine okay. If she want to go kissing some foreign guy I couldn't care less." He avoid me looking at the window.

"Ross I know your hurt." I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Is it noticeable?" He mumbled.

"Yeah, you just look a little bit sad."

"I need to work things out with her?" He sighed putting his face in his hands. "She probably hates me for what I said."

"She doesn't hate you." I patted his back "She loves you."

a/n :  I like this chapter. And the character once again is played by the wonder full Secretly_R5_BF go check out her story and imagines and preferences book.

*I feel like me and Secretly_R5_BF are becoming like wattpad friends*


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