Chapter 16 * Free *

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Ana Bell Pov

I woke up today knowing that I am finally free . I can finally go out with my friends and see  my boyfriend.

I tooka shower with warm water. Then changing into a simple outfit black skinny jeans , black v neck,  red beanie and some red Jordans. My hair down with the beanie on.
Once I was ready I grabed my phone my small hand bag and rushed downstairs out the door. Just as I was going to open the door my parents stop me.

" Ana hold up " my dad's hand stop me

" What dad? " I groaned

" Forgeting something? " my mom asked me

" What are you talking about? " I asked her back.

" Remember that conversation we had about you know " now I know what he was talking about.

" Oh Yea " I felt my face getting red from embarrassment .

" Well remember how to carry a con.dum every where would go? " Mom said

" Yea " I tugged on my beanie.

" Well do you have one " my dad pointed to my bag.

" No " I opened up my bag looking though it.

"Here" my mom handed me a box that contained five. The package was sliver small and flat.
I stuffed it along with the other things in my bag like mascara, gum,and random Jolly Ranchers.

I started my car and headed to my best friends , Rydel Lynch , house.


When I got there I knock on the front door. As soon as Ryland opened the door he picked me on his shoulder.

" Ana Bell I missed you " he cheered

" I missed you to Ry " I told him

He took me to the kitchen were the Lynch kids were making s'mores like they did on R5 TV years ago.

" Ana Bell your here " Rocky,Riker,Rydel,and Ross said in unison.

" Yea I know I missed you guys " I messed with Rocky's hair. " Hey were Ellington he never misses s'mores? " I asked looking around the room.

" Probably with his girlfriend " Rydel mumbled.  Ross did say she was acting a little wired.

" And your just in time were making s'mores " Ross changed the the subject handing me a white marshmallow with a stick though it.
I grabbed it walked over to the stove were they turned on the flames on medium.

" I bet I can toast a better marshmallow than you Ross " I challenge him.

" No you can't " He stated spinning the stick so the whole thing were burn

Once we thought there were good enough we put then in a graham cracker and milk chocolate in bewteen.

" I think my is better " I said as I finished my masterpiece.

" No mine is " Ross backtalk.

" No mine is " I said back to him.

" Well you two shut up and try then already " Rydel snapped her fingers and took a bite of her snack.

So I did I took a bite of my s'more and it was good. Crunch, soft and the chocolate would melt in your mouth.

" Mmmm" I moaned

" Well is it good " Ross asked me as I swallowed it.

" Yea wanna try ? " he nodded . I brought up to his lips and he took a big bite.

" I gotta say it good " Ross cleaned his lips with his finger.

" Wanna try mine ? " he asked me
" Sure" he fed me.

We hanged a while in the kitchen were Ross would feed me the s'mores he made and I would fed him the ones I made.

Later we went outside to hanging out by the pool talking about life.

" It's feels good to finally relax " Riker sighed as he layed shirtless on the pool chair

" I know right " Rydel high-fived Riker.

" When are you guys going on tour again " I asked the R5 members.

" Like in a mouth or so " Rocky answered as he put his black sunglasses on.

" Oh Ana Bell I seen your covers online with Rodrick " Rydel said " There amazing"

" Really there not that good " I rubbed the back of my neck.

" What covers?" Ross asked

" Oh there just some covers of me and my brother made "

" Show me " he insisted

" Fine " I sighed he pulled out his phone and gave it to me to search up the song. Once I found it I showed it to him. When he complimented me " That was amazing and I will even comment " he typed something on the video.

" What did you put on there " I looked over at his phone and read it out loud " Amazing cover by Ana and Rodrick some of the best I've seen !"  

" Why did you do that " I asked him

" Because of my fans see that they'll see your videos and you get more views " he explained it to me like a 5 year old.

" Smart thinking Lynch " I tapped on his blonde messy hair.

" Come on inside guys " Stromie called us from inside " I made cookies " and with that everyone ran inside except for Ross.

" Aren't you going to get some " I stood up from the chair I was sitting in.

"No" and he got close to me with a smirk on his face.

" Ross what are doing " Before anything could happen he pick me up bridal style and jumped into the pool.

" Ross what the f - " he cut me off

" No naughty words potty mouth " and he swam away from me. When I caught up to him he turned around and splashed water on me.

" Hey!" I wiped away the water from my face and splashed back.

" Stop " he laughed at me grabbing my wrist

And for that moment I stopped. Looking into those hazel eyes of his sent shivers though me. Some wired feeling in my chest and -

" Hey are you two coming inside " Stormie came outside with two white towels

" Yea " we said in unison. We got out of the pool wrapping ourself and went inside.

" Hey can I borrow some clothes " I asked Rydel as she ate cookies.

We went to her room were she handed me a tank top and a shorts.

" Thanks " I went to the bathroom and changed.

After that I told everyone I had to leave or my parents would kill me but on the way home I wondered what that feeling on my chest was when I looked into his eyes.

A/n: I like this chapter it's so cute.

I put a pic of Stormie and Ross. Also the s'more episode of R5 Tv how many times have you see those episodes.

Thanks for reading love you all and you know who birthday is coming up Ross it's on the 29 so Idon't know if I should do a birthday chapter

Thank you Stay Rossome

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