Chapter 27 *Studio*

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Ana Bell Pov

"Ross wake up?" I tryed to get out of his grip.

"What?" He mumbled.

"Wake up?" I said a little louder.

"No" he turned to the others side letting me out of his hold.

"Fine" I sighed pulling the blanket off. I got up from bed to take a shower. I let the warm water relax me. When I was done I wrapped the towel around my chest to find something to wear.

After searching for minutes I grabbed high waisted jeans and a long sleeve crop top. I didn't want to change in front of Ross. He could wake up and see me naked. I went to the bathroom changing. When I was done I heard Ross talking on the phone.

"Yeah mom I'm okay I stayed here with Ana" he talked to his mother "I'll be home later love you" he ended his call.

"You finally woke up?" I teased him.

"Yup" he rubbed his eyes "Can I take a shower?"

"Yeah sure but let me go put some make up on" I walked back into the bathroom looking at my reflection on the mirror.

"Ana Bell you don't need make up your perfect just the way you are" Ross took away the lip gloss I was about to apply.

"But Ross" I wined.

"No you look perfect to me" he patted my shoulder "Now get out so I can take a shower" he pushed me out of my own bathroom.

While he was taking a shower upstairs in my room I went to the kitchen downstairs to cook some breakfast.

I made breakfast sandwiches. That contained inside warm bacon, eggs ,and cheese. Also tea and hand squeezed orange juice. I got out the orange cutting them in half. I grabbed a container and squeezed the juice. Wishing that Ross hands were around mine.

"Morning Ana Bell" a British accent got me out of my day dreaming "What were you think of there?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing" I said squeezing the last orange and throwing away the peels.

Then Ross came in the kitchen "Smells good did you make breakfast sandwiches?"

"Yup your favorite" I grabbed two plates giving one to Ross and the other to Ed "What would you like to drink tea or juice?" I asked feeling like a waitress.

"I'll have juice" Ross said.

"Tea please" Ed asked for.

Getting two glass cups and one mug. I filled the glass cups with orange juice and the mug with tea. I gave to the guys there drinks getting my own sandwich and sitting  with them.

"So Ana I convinced your mum to take you and your brother to the studio" Ed took a bite of his food.

"Really she never taken me to the studio thank you Ed!" I nearly spitted my orange juice on Ross.

"What are you so excited about?" Rodrick entered the kitchen severing himself some tea.

"Ed convinced mom to take us to the studio!" Once those words left my mouth he jumped in joy.

"I so excited I'm going to go change!" Rodrick left leaving his tea in the counter.

"Well I should get going" Ross finished his food.

"All ready?" I pulled on his wrist.

"Sorry but we are packing to go back on tour." He frowned.

"You guys just got here" I pouted.

"I know" he kissed my cheek "Have a good time at the studio" he said when he closed the front door.

"Are you guys at least friends with benefits?" Ed asked playfully.

I just rolled my eyes picking up our plates.


Outside of the studio was beautiful glass windows made the building with green grass cut perfectly with perfect flowers.

"Now kids I want you not to run off don't touch any thing and please don't get all excited if you see a artist" my mom made rules when we got out of the car.

"Do you want to hold are hands to mommy?" Rodrick sarcastically said causing me and Ed to laugh.

My mom rolled her eyes opening the door with a key. We past many rooms with famous singers names like Mariah Carey, Justin Timberlake and many more.

Then we reached Eds room that had his name in big letters.

"Who's next door?" I asked while my mom went though her ring of many keys.

"I don't know if I should even tell you?" She hesitated.

"Oh just some lads that go by One Direction" Ed answered before my mom could.

"Really?!" I nearly yelled "Can we go meet them mom?" I tugged on her shirt as we entered the room.

"No this is why I don't bring you guys here" She looked the door.

"Okay" I nodded sadly.

"I'll invite them over so you can meet them" Ed cheered me up "Now get in the booth" he laughed.

"What song?" My brother asked.

"Sing one of mine" Ed said though the other side.

"Lego House" I love that song of his.

"Ok" Ed pushed a button causing music to start on our headphones.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and bulid a lego house if things go wrong we can knock it down" Rodrick sang.

"My three words have two meanings there one thing in my mind it's all for you" I sang.

"And it's dark in a cold December but I've got you to keep me warm if your broken I will mend you and ill keep you sheltered from the Strom that's raging on now" we harmonized.

When we were finished we saw Ed clapping smiling "That was amazing." He clapped "Get out of there I'm going to tell you something"

Me and Rodrick got out curiously.

"Now I made this decision like ten seconds ago" he looked at my mom "But how do you guys feel like going on tour with me?"

"We love to!" Me and Rodrick ran up to Ed hugging him.

"We have to tell our fans" I got my phone out "Mom can you record us?" I handed her my phone.

"Okay guess what?" Rodrick jumped in joy.

"Were going on tour with ..." I yelled.

"Ed Sheeran " Ed appeared behind us.

I uploaded it on YouTube and the views went crazy with comments like 'Can't wait' and 'wish you guys the best of luck'

There was a knock on the door. Ed opened it welcoming One Direction inside.

Niall Horan, Harry Styles,Liam Payne,Zayn Malik, and my favorite Louis Tomlinson.

"Meet the lads I'm touring with Ana and Rodrick" Ed introduced us.

We shook hands with all of them but I hugged Louis.

Rodrick and I took a picture with all of them. I even had one were Louis kissed my cheek. Later they left leaving me and my brother working in the studio.

I just can't wait to tell my friends that I'm going on tour!




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