Chapter 17

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"Hello. Mask-San. Leave now" Homura said standing protectively in front if the rest of the team. "Where is the small brat? Do I only have you to deal with?" The voice asked. "Show yourself!" Kakashi barked from next to her. "Shut up! I'm speaking with the brat!" The voice commanded. "I hate to do this Mask-San but you leave me no choice!" Homura said sweeping her long hair out of her eyes. "Kakashi-sensei! Do you trust me?" She asked. He nodded curtly, "then, please, stay out of my way, and protect the bridge builder. If I need an extra eye I will let you know. Shishigan" she said, forming a hand sign ((picture above)). Thin, blue, tattoo-like lines snaked up her arms, legs and body her hair had blue highlights in it and her eyes turned bright blue ((same colour as Naruto's)).

"No Byakugan? Or Sharingan?" The Masked Man asked. "No. Something better. I can, not only control the elements, but I can also make your life a living hell" Homura whispered marking his point on the bridge. "Now! Prepare for your last battle!" She said waving her hand. The water below the bridge went racing down to his hidey-hole and trapped him in a rounded sphere. He exploded and landed next to the bridge builder and her comrades. The lines turned red and her hair returned to normal while her eyes turned a fiery shade of red. She sent a large wave of flames at him while setting up a barrier to protect her friends from the skin-melting flames.

"Heh. Very good! You almost got me! But now it's my turn" he said appearing behind her and kicking her into the side of the bridge. He pulled out his Kanata and held it at her throat. "Stop! You're forgetting something!" A voice called. Homura looked past the man to see Naruto smirking at the man. She took this advantage and attacked him with the gentle fist, changing her eyes to the Byakugan. She finally punched him to the ground and thanked Naruto. "It didn't work~!!" Came a sing-song voice. Naruto and Homura got shoved to the ground as a bunch of kuni and Shurikans pierced into Sasuke's body.

"SASUKE-KUN!!!" Sakura screamed. While the man stood there chuckling. Naruto grew angry, Homura could see the fox-spirt coming alive in his eyes. The scares on his face deepened, his hair grew shaggier and stood on end, his fingernails grew longer and a dark, red chakra surrounded his body. "I'll make you pay!" He screamed lunging at the man. Naruto and Kakashi fought together as Sakura looked after the bridge builder and Homura tried to heal Sasuke.

"Stop. I'm gonna die" Sasuke gasped grabbing Homura's hand. She shook her head and whispered, "you have a family who cares about you. I can't let you die". She quickly cast the jutsu again and again thin blue lines snaked their way around her body. "What is that in your eye?" He asked as she pushed some water to his wounds. "The character for water. Idiot!" She said smiling as she saw his wounds healing quickly. "Sasuke!!!" Sakura cried as she reached them. Homura stepped out of the way as Sakura hugged him.

Kakashi was knocked back and Naruto and the man shared blows and eventually Naruto had him in a life or death situation and he was leaning towards death. "Naruto! That's enough!" Homura cried running over to him. "He deserters to die!" Naruto growled. "You shouldn't become a murderer and your age! We'll take him to someone to detain him!" She pleaded. He nodded, red chakra fading, and they turned back to the group.

Sasuke was alive, but barely. He needed medical attention, and now. Homura went back to healing him and Naruto looked to the closer end to the bridge. "I guess we didn't need them after all, or they just didn't come" he muttered. "What are you talking about Naruto?" Kakashi asked. "I managed to change view of heroes. He went to go get the villagers to fight but he didn't show" Naruto said as a small figure appeared. "INARI!!! It's done!" Naruto cried as the single small figure became a large amount of taller people. Suddenly a taller figure came ravening at us. Became into view and it was clear, it wasn't a villager. He rush towards Tazuna and almost stabbed him. Kakashi jumped in the way and got a Kanata to his shoulder.

The man smiled before grabbing the closest person there, Homura. He jumped back and the figures came into focus. "My, my. We meet again brat!" A cruel voice said as the bloody Kanata was healed against her throat. Sasuke whimpered to consciousness. "Give her back!!!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke looked over and his eyes widened a fraction. Kakashi was down and Tazuna was keeping Naruto back. "This time I will kill you brat. But I see your blue compliance isn't here" Gato growled walking over to her and pushing her chin up. "You may be your mother, but you have your fathers brains. So what escape plan are you coming up with?" He asked smirking cruelly. She spat at his face and he backhanded her across the face. "That is the second time! Do it again and I'll send you to your mummy" he growled.

Homura growled back and the Kanata was pushed against her throat again, this time little beads of blood appeared. "What did he say? Show some respect!" The man holding her growled. Suddenly a fist was pushed into his face. He dropped the sword and she fell into warm arms. The person then retreated with her still in their arms. "Are you ok?" A raspy voice asked. She nodded, "thank you. But you gotta stop doing whatever that is!" She told Naruto who had red chakra around him again. He nodded and the chakra faded. "Now you die" Gato said cracking his nuckles.

A/N: The pic is the hand sign Homura makes while she uses the 'Shishigan'.

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