Chapter 28

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Jūgo was excitedly running down the stones steps with Homura following slowly behind. They where at a beach and at the third stop on the elder boys list. "Then after here we can go to see the Shikakuran falls!!! and then to the Mist Festival!!" He cried as the stone came to a stop. He slowly pulled off his sandals and steeped into the golden sand. "Wow!!! It feels so soft!" He cried running down to the water like a child. Homura only smiled and nodded, he was such a nice guy and she promised him to help finish everything on his list. So far they had completed 3 of the 10 things. 1. Learn how to throw a shurikan. 2. Play hide and seek in a cherry blossom forest. and 3. Go to the beach.

"Wrong order Jūgo we need to go to the Mist Festival first then the Falls. And at the Falls you can meet Gaara, he is a good friend if mine!" Homura called as the boy sat in the waves letting the water rush over his body. "Ok! That sounds great! Thank you for helping me" he said slowly standing up. "You are very welcome-AHHHHH!!!! JŪGO I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!" she cried as he dumped a backet of water into her. She stood up and chased him into the ocean and splashed him with water which he returned. They spent all afternoon splashing and building sandcastles before going back to the small town.


"These people are really nice!" Jūgo said as the two ate dinner. "Yes they are. Now don't speak with your mouth full" Homura said taking small bites and reading a book about Eye Jutsu. "Yes ma'am! Why are you reading about that?" He asked finishing his meal. "Trying see if I can learn any. I'm lacking jutsu when it comes to my eyes" she responded also finishing her meal.


The next day they were walking to The Mist Festival when they came across a white rabbit. "Wow! So pretty!" Jūgo cried. "Hey. On your list is there anything on the Summer Snow?" Homura asked. "No. What is it?" He asked petting the rabbit. "Well once every so often it snows in summer only in the Mist Country it's considered the one of the most beautiful things in our world" she said. "Can we see it?" He asked. Homura simply pointed upwards. "Wow!!!" Jūgo breathed watching the golden rays of summer light hit the small white snowflakes making it look like fire was falling to the ground.

"The stories are right..... It's amazing" Homura said exhaling softly and beaming at her friend. Jūgo beamed back and poked out his younger and caught a snowflake. "Hm~? It.... It tastes like sweets!!!! Yummy sweets!!!!" He cried catching a few more on his tongue. Puzzled by his remark Homura stuck her tongue out to catch some falling snowflakes. One hit her tongue squarely and her tongue exploded with flavor. "Yummy!!!! It tastes like Ice-cream!!" She gasped catching a few more with her fellow traveler.

"I-Ice-cream? What's that?" Jūgo asked tilting his head with confusion. Homura gasped and grabbed his hand. "I cannot allow such a nice guy to never taste ice-cream!! I swear, even if it costs my life, I will get you some to try!" She said dragging him down to the Festival and down to the food section. She came across a sweet stand and she dragged the 16-year-old to it.

"Well. Well. Young couple? So cute~ Ice-creams or sweets?" A young woman asked. "Ice-creams please!" Homura said pulling out her purse. "And miss.... We're not a couple. We are simply friends" she said putting a small amount of money on the table. "Plain or flavored? And it sure looks like it" she said winking and taking the money. "Um.... Flavored?" Homura asked Jūgo who nodded. "Two Chocolate Mints please! And I repeat we are not a couple!" She said turning back to the woman. Jūgo, by now, was blushing deeply, not liking the conversation.

The woman handed over the ice-creams as more snow fell on the two teens. As the day slowly turned to night the snow stopped looking like fire and more like pearly shavings from a clear white shell, with touches of blue and sliver from the moon rays. The two rather enjoyed themselves, playing festival games and eating sweet treats.


"WAKEY WAKEY!!!!!" Jūgo screamed waking up the young 14-year-old redhead from her relaxing 'power-nap'. "What the hell?!?" Homura cried falling from the tree she was in. The older orange-haired male caught her and happily force-feed her some breakfast. "Let me breathe!!!" She cried once the feeding finished. "What are you so worked up about?" She asked panting as he quickly packed everything up and started dragging her down the road. "We're gonna meet one of your friends!!!!! And we're gonna see Shikakuran Falls!!!" He cried. "Slow down!!! It's a three day walk to get to the edge of Mist Land! Then another two days tops to get to the edge of the dessert before a good day of walking through the dessert it's self! We have plenty of time!" Homura giggled. Jūgo sighed and stopped dragging the redhead. "Let's hurry up though! I wanna meet your friend!" He said smiling at his only friend.


Six exhausting days later they found themselves outside of the Kazekage's office. "Enter!" A voice commanded. "Hello Sir! This is my Friend Jūgo. I was wondering if you could spare Gaara-Kun for a few days so he could take us to the Falls? We are fulfilling a wish-list" Homura said bowing to the man. "Yes you can take Gaara. But could your friend excuse us for a minute I need to talk to you and so does my wife" the Kazekage said. Jūgo nodded and walked out of the room as Homura gulped, she knew exactly where this was gonna go.

"How could you!?!?!?! Your first kiss and you leave him stranded on a concrete bench with his pup!!!!!" Karura cried angrily as her husband sweat-dropped. "How'd ya know we kissed?" Was all Homura could ask. "He was in complete shock and kept touching his lips!!!!! And he was trying to stop you from leaving!!! I am not an idiot!!!!" Karura cried. "Look I'm sorry but I wasn't just gonna let him go rouge for me! Not only would it crush him but I'd never forgive myself for letting him do that!" Homura cried, silencing the older woman. "I... Well.... Just don't do it again!" Karura said turning her back. "See you later? I've got a wish-list to be filled!" I cried running out of the office.


"Who was the guy?" Jūgo asked. "Hm~? What guy?" Homura asked as Gaara smirked. "Kiba-Kun" he said. "Kiba? That's a nice name" Jūgo pouted slightly. "Geez... Really? I am not open for dating!!!! I..... Made a promise!" Homura said marching in font of both males with her face redder then her hair. Jūgo giggled and Gaara smirked as they walked to the Falls.


"It's just around the corner... Ah. Here it is: The Shikakuran Falls!" Gaara said as he and the other two teens walked around a giant boulder. "The Shikakuran Falls are so named because the water is completely made of coloured sand.... It changes every so often sometimes without you really noticing" Jūgo said as Gaara nodded. "Yes... Here we are it's yellow now" he said as they all gaped at the once blue sand. "It's absolutely beautiful! That another thing t knock off the list!" Jūgo said scribbling out Shikakuran Falls. "Now there's only five more!!! Should we head back or camp here Gaara-Kun?" Homura asked patting Jūgo's back. "We'll camp here tonight... It's a nice sound to sleep to" Garra said pulling out some food for them to eat.

"Thanks Gaara-Kun! This means so much for you to take us here!" Jūgo said taking his portion. "You're welcome. It's my pleasure" Gaara responded, smiling slightly. Homura was in shock. 'Gaara never smiles!!!! What's going on?' She thought eating her meal. "Trying something new never hurt anyone before" Gaara said looking her dead in the eyes. "Whaaa? Oh! Yeah! It never did!!!" She responded frantically. "Sleep.. I've got the first watch" Gaara commanded. Both Jūgo and Homura fell into a deep sleep as soon as the command was given.

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