Chapter 35

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Homura looked out at the old road, the one that she set out on at the age of 13. The one she was returning on at the age of 18. 5 long years had taught her much of the world. "I should be going now shouldn't I?" She asked her traveling companion. "Yes.... Your friends are waiting Homura-chan" they said. "Ok Zetsu... I think I can go alone from here. I don't want you getting captured on my behalf" she replied walking down the road.

"I should apologise to Naruto, and Sakura, and Sasuke, Kakashi as well" Homura muttered as the village, she left so many years ago, loomed into view. "And I'll ask Tsunade-Sama about any Jutsu's for regrowing limbs" she continued as the gate got closer and closer. "Oh and I should go see Itachi, Kiba and Tenzou again, Sensei too" she said as she came to the edge of the village.

"Nah I'm right here kiddo" a gruff voice said as she looked up from the ground. Somehow seeing her old Sensei was enough to push her over the line she was dreading to cross. "Sensei!!! I'm back!!!" Homura cried throwing herself into Ibiki's open arms. "Well, well looks who's grown up! You look very strong! Just like I taught you to be!" He said patting her head.

"I think I should go see Tsunade-Sama now Sensei" Homura said pulling out of the hug. "Yes you should. Oh and Naruto has been worried ever since he got back. You should visit him as well" Ibiki said as Homura nodded and walked to the Hokage tower. She continued walking so she would get to the Hokage tower before lunch, as she was hungry.


"Hello Homura! Has it really been 5 years?" Tsunade asked as Homura walked into her office. "Yes it has M'lady. I have returned like I promised" Homura said bowing. "Heh. There has been quite a few mishaps since you've been gone. You should pick a guy to settle down with soon. And I'll let you settle into the village before any missions" Tsunade said handing over a jet black head band with the silver symbol of the leaf on it. "Oh and I like your new outfit Homura" Tsunade said.

Homura nodded and left the office muttering a quick thank you, before going back to her parents home. She took off her knee-high boots and walked into the living room. "5 years of dust! Imma gonna get 'chu outta here!!" Homura cried picking up a duster and getting to work.


"I'm done~ time to eat!" Homura cried two hours later walking back to the door. She slipped on her boots and walked out of her home. She decided that she wanted Ramen and walked to Ichiraku's. Along the way she waved to some older people and some ANBU nin as well, all of which waved back, knowing her face well.

She arrived at Ichiraku's to find it empty. "Hello! Oh! Homura-Chan! Welcome back!!" The old man said coming out from behind the shop. "Hey. And thanks it's good to be back" she replied sitting down. "I'm starving so two larges of Beef Ramen please!" Homura said paying upfront. "Two large Beef Ramen coming up!" The old man replied turning to the stove.

The first bowl was placed in front of her within minutes. "Thank you for the meal!" Homura cried digging into the bowl, as another person entered the shop. "H-Homura?!?" A familiar voice asked. "Oh hey Naruto-Teme!" Homura said finishing the bowl. "You're back!!!!" He cried hugging her. "Naruto you're gonna smash the bowl!" Homura cried trying to protect it.

"Hey did you call me Teme again?" Naruto asked. "Yep. Naruto-Teme!" Homura giggled as her second bowl was placed in front of her. Only to have a small amount stolen from her by Naruto. "Y-you stole my food!" Homura gasped. "Yep. Don't call me Teme" Naruto said. "You... You meanie greenie!!!!" Homura cried downing the bowl afterwards.

"So when'd ya get back?" Naruto asked. "Two and a bit hours ago" Homura replied walking out of the shop. "So how long till you're going on missions?" he asked. "I dunno~ but until then I'm just gonna relax and catch up with everyone. Excuse me while I go find someone" Homura said bowing and running off leaving Naruto shell-shocked in the middle of the street.

Homura ran down the street looking for Tenzou and finally found him at a Dango shop. "Tenzou!!!!! Guess who's back!?!?!?!" She cried hugging him from behind, causing him to choke and cough. "H-Homura-Chan?!?!" He asked taking in the redhead's new appearance.

Homura looked down at her figure and noticed, for the first time, she wasn't the innocent little girl of thirteen, with a flat chest and a short build anymore. She was a strong woman of eighteen, with a large chest, of a tall build and long thick red hair, and she was showing at lot of skin. Oh how Jiariya would love her new look.

"Yeah! How are you Tenzou-Kun?" Homura asked looking back at her friend. "F-fine! And I'm not Tenzou anymore! I'm Yamato now!" He said looking her directly in the eye. "How is Koji-Chan?" Homura asked. "Oh Koji-Chan is well! She is just taking a leave of duty for a while!" Tenzou said, blushing and rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I'm not seven anymore. What happened?" Homura said pointedly. "Ah~ well she's pregnant! Due in a couple of months!" He replied sheepishly. "That's great!! You guys finally got together!!!" Homeward cried hugging her friend again. "Yeah we did. You should go see Kakashi, he's been missing you heaps" Tenzou said. Homura nodded and skipped out if the restaurant.

Homura ran down the streets looking for as many old friends as possible. She meet Shikamaru, Choji and Ino at the Barbecue place, and Hinata and Shino at a dango shop, and she found Lee and Gui training. She looked around some more and found Orochimaru in a library and Kakashi at her parents grave. Still she couldn't find the guy she had set out to find.

"Hey Homura!" A voice cried making her turn around. "Kiba!!!!" Homura cried throwing herself into the dog-nin's open arms. "Huh? You look kinda cool.... What's with the leather?" Homura asked taking in Kiba's new appearance. "Says the chick with shorts and half a shirt" Kiba replied pointedly.

Homura suck her tongue out at him as Akamaru whined a bit. "Hey boy! How are you?" Homura asked hugging the large dog. Akamaru licked her face and barked happily. "Did ya like my present?" She asked as the dog continued barking happily. "He missed you" Kiba said patting Akamaru's head. "Was he the only one?" Homura asked standing up. "Hell no" Kiba responded quietly smiling at the redhead.

"Why are you so tall? You Shika, Choji, Naruto and Shino are all taller then me!! It's not fair!!" Homura complained as Kiba beamed at her. "Hey wanna join me for dinner? Ma's cooking something special, even kicked me out for it" Kiba asked. "Sure.... Good way of ending a busy day" Homura said as they walked down the road. Kiba causally slipped his hand over Homura's and lead her to his home.

"I swear this time I won't let you go" Kiba mumbled, too quite for Homura to hear.

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