Chapter 42

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Homura was happily walking down the road, it had been a few months since Konoha had been fully repaired from it's damage and the attacker was thought to be dead. Despite everyone else believing it Homura couldn't quite shake off the feeling that the man was still alive.

'Well it's not like I can prove anything eh bub?' She asked herself, rubbing her stomach.

Yes, she was pregnant. No, Kiba didn't know.

'It's gonna be awkward bringing this up with Naruto, but don't worry daddy and mummy will love you forever ok?' She continued this mental, one-sided conversation as she walked through the streets, bumping into an old friend.

"Hello Homura!! It'sss been to long" Orochimaru said, beaming at the young redhead. "Yes!!! Much too long!! How have you been little firehead?" Jiraiya cried hugging her. "'Little Firehead'? Seriously?" Homura asked. "Well you're as fiery as your mother so why not? Hm? You've been eating quiet a bit haven't you?" Jiraiya asked.

Homura punched him. "I'm not fat I'm just pregnant bitch" she hissed at him. "Huh? Well congratulationsss! Doesss the father know?" Orochimaru asked. "No I didn't find out until Kiba left for a mission, but I figured I should go tell Naruto, seeing as he might burry us both alive if I don't" Homura replied sheepishly.

"Hmm~ good call.... Well see you later!!! Good luck, you know, not dying!!" Jiraiya cried dragging Orochimaru off with him. "Thanks for the help" Homura muttered, continuing her walk.


Kiba went flying through the trees when a nagging voice in the back of his head spoke up.
'You should head back, something's not right' it said. 'Hm~ who or what are you?' Kiba asked it. 'I'm that nagging voice that everybody has, like I said you should head back ASAP' it stated.

"Kiba! Pay attention!! You just about triggered several traps!" Hana cried. "Huh? Sorry sis! Just a little distracted today!" Kiba replied jumping down to the forest floor with the rest of his family. "Well stop being so distracted we need you and Akamaru at your best! Otherwise this mission will fail!!" Tsume growled. "Yes mum" Kiba sighed.

Tsume raised and eyebrow at him and he smiled happily. "So? When are you gonna ask Homura?" Tsume demanded. "Huh?" Kiba asked. "Oh c'mon!! Homura is a lot like me, she isn't gonna sit on her butt and wait forever you know! Just ask her already!" Tsume said pointedly.

"I dunno mum~ how? When? With what? I don't have any money to buy a ring" Kiba sighed. Tsume just rolled her eyes and motioned for them to continue with the mission.


"Naaaaruuuutooooo~ look who's come to visit~" Homura cried running into the small ramen shop. "Oh hey, how have you been?" Naruto asked slurping on his drink happily. "Oh just fine, practising my skills, visiting Tou-San and Kaa-San's graves, visiting the hospital, finding out I was pregnant, the usual" Homura sighed.


"WHAT!?!?!?!?" Naruto roared. "What?" Homura asked innocently. "You're Pregnant?" Naruto asked. "Hm~? Oh yeah I am" Homura replied coolly. "T-that means you and Kiba did it?" Naruto asked. Homura promptly slammed a fist on his head, a thick blush spread across both their cheeks.

"Yes, if you can't put two and two together" Homura replied curtly. "Does Kiba know?" Naruto asked, rubbing the lump on his head. "No I found out after he left for his mission, I'm going to tell him when he comes back" Homura relied. "Tell Kakashi yet?" Naruto asked. "Though I'd tell you first seeing as you would've killed him then killed me once the kid was born if I didn't" Homura shrugged.

"Got that right" Naruto mumbled. Homura glared at him before walking off. "Don't tell no-one!!!" Homura cried. "FINE!!!" Naruto yelled after her, a slight pout spread across his face.


Kakashi stood in front of the memorial in the middle of a downpour. He gazed at the names of his fallen comrades, knowing full well that the redhead he had loved like a daughter stood behind him carrying an umbrella.

"Kakashi, you'll catch pneumonia if you stand out here" her gentle voice rang through his ears. "I know" he responded feeling her presence move to next to him moving her shelter so it covered both of them.

"Well all the more reason to bring an umbrella" Homura whispered, her own eyes locking onto the grey stone before them. "Heh. You always find a way around my misery" Kakashi said, smiling at the little redhead next to himself.

"Yo Kashi, what am I to you?" Homura asked suddenly. "Like a daughter, just one I couldn't do much for" he responded truthfully. "And if you found out that person was pregnant?" Homura asked.

Kakashi's head whipped around and stared at the 19-year-old. "You're to young for kids missy" he responded, a slight glare forming on his face. "To late?" Homura giggled.

"Noooooo!!!!! You can't be!!!!! Sensei will kill me!!!" Kakashi yelled as the girl ran off. He chased after her in a hurry to find if she was just joking, leaving his worries behind at the grey stone.


Kiba returned from his mission on time, expecting to see Homura waiting right where she usually was. He found her and Naruto glaring at each other intently.

"Ok what happened this time?" Kiba asked, pushing the two away from each other. "You is what happened!!! Ask her what she did while you where away!!" Naruto hissed at him.

"What happened?" Kiba asked, worry filling his veins. "Uhhh~ well you know how you told me to do my hospital thing while you where gone and stuff?" Homura asked. Kiba nodded, now he was a little scared.

"Well I'm Pregnant!" Homura announced happily.

By now Hana and Tsume had arrived and heard most of the conversation. Tsume reacted just in time to catch her son, who had fainted from shock.

"What I tell you? You owe me 10Ryo!!" Naruto cried happily. Homura just rolled her eyes, pushing him the money before going over to the unconscious nin.

"Hehehehehe.... Nice one girly, he'll be out a bit" Tsume giggled before pulling him up to his feet. "C'mon let's take him to the hospital" Homura sighed, grabbing an arm and helping her elder drag the man to the hospital.


So this is a bit of a filler, and something I wrote coz I was bored. Can anyone help me with Baby names?

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