Nakime Otokawa

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Canon Counterpart means who's role they take.
Art: Myself

Canon Counterpart: Hashira
Kanji: 音川 鳴女
Status: Active
Age: 21
Breath Style: Breath of Music
Weapon: Wakizashi 
Titles: Music Hashira
Other Notes: Nakime was blinded during Final Selection, so she relies on her enhanced hearing. Nakime's biwa conceals her wakizashi. She can quickly detach the strings so she can open the neck and take it out for battle. She can also sense the auras of everyone around her, allowing her to detect their emotions.

Deceased Family: Unnamed parents, unnamed sister
Living Family: N/A

First Form: High Note - Nakime swings her wakizashi vertically.

Second Form:  Hymn of the Weak - Nakime dashes in the direction she hears her opponent's movements, driving her wakizashi through her opponent's neck in one powerful attack.

Third Form: Lullaby of the Broken - When Nakime's opponent surrenders, she "glides" and painlessly cuts their head off. This form makes her opponent think they hear a gentle lullaby from their childhood, causing them to feel at peace.

Final Form: Song of the Earth - Nakime's strongest form. She focuses on her hearing, further increasing it and allowing her to hear even the smallest sounds. Including incoming attacks. She maneuvers around her opponent's attacks effortlessly, looking like a dancer as she closes in on them and delivers a devastating attack with her wakizashi. The force of the attack decimates lower-ranking demons, but this form ruptures Nakime's eardrums once it's done. So she wouldn't waste it on lower-ranking demons.

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