bakugou - support

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My hamstrings stifly stretch out as I forward-fold over my knees. Sparkles should be here any moment for some training, so I want to warm up before he gets here.

But he's late. Again.

I rise out of the forward-fold slowly, curling my back up one vertebra at a time. Still, my eyes act with a mind of their own and flit over to peer up over the grassy hill.

Distractions aren't working, I think in annoyance as I stretch my arms over my head.

Where is he?

Nope, I'm only more annoyed. I swear, each Friday he's showing up later and later.

Bending down into a forward-fold again, I let my hamstrings stretch as I walk my hands out in front of me into a downward dog. Still, Sparkles weighs on my mind, I mean, I know he attends U.A. so his classes are extra tough and he'll have a longer day sometimes, but would it kill him to shoot a quick text?

Finally, I flop down on my back in frustration and grab my phone to call the stubborn twat.

Just as I pull up his contact, "Oi! Get up off your lazy a--"

"Oh I just laid down!" I bolt up as if someone had shocked me. "I was keeping my muscles warmed up but someone--"

"EH? YOU PICKING A FIGHT?" His face contorts into his infamous scowl, corners of his lips pull abnormally low and eyebrows arch abnormally high. That face... I burst into laughter.

I swear, only he can make this inhuman face! My sudden mood shift only makes him angrier, which makes me laugh more until finally he settles for a sigh. He's used to it by now, no matter what mood I'm in or what the context of the conversation is, when he gets mad and makes that face, I lose it.

"Oh- pftt... Sparkles how the heckin heck do you make that expression? It looks like your eyebrows arch off your face!"

"Shutup, egghead. Let's go." He runs in place, waiting for me to get up to jog with him. "You ready or what?"

"Yeah yeah," I jump up, "let's go, finally. What took you so long today?"

He only huffs in response and picks up the pace.

"What? U.A. not as glamorous as you thought it would be, Sparkles?" I tease and match his pace.

"Shut up," he growls, "I never expected it to be glamorous or whatever."

Maybe teasing him was the wrong route to take today.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry," comes my candid response. "What's eatin' at ya?"

"Nothing. I'm not bothered by it."


"Fine, so what's the it that's definitely not bothering you?" I try to keep my tone light but somehow it still sounds sarcastic. I bite my cheek.


He doesn't seem to take it the wrong way, thankfully, and instead bursts into a rant. "That useless extra!" He stops jogging and tugs at his hair, "He's messing with me, I swear to God. He's looking down on me and relishing in that nice and flashy quirk he's been hiding."

Dang, haven't seen him this angry in like 3 days.

"Which extra?"

"That damn nerd. Damn Deku."

"Oh?" A smiles curves against my lips. "The quirkless Deku isn't quirkless? What a plot twist."

"If you're just gonna talk sh-"

"Get off your stupid high horse. So what the nerd has been hiding a flashy quirk?" I roll my eyes and ignore the fierce glare those crimson eyes regard me with.

"You have your own flashy quirk. One you've been perfecting like a mad man for years while this kid has been cowardly hiding his. You're gonna be the number one hero, Tsuki." I grin, "You knew you'd run into plenty of flashy quirks along the way."

His glare is replaced with a thoughtful look before he finally turns his face away from my gaze.

"Tch, whatever." However, I don't miss the smirk that tugs against his face. "Quit the lecture. You're starting to sound like the old hag."

I scrunch my face and poke his ribs. "Don't compare your girlfriend to your mom, ya nasty."

Still, I can't help the smile that curves against my mouth as we continue our run together.

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