aizawa - the night shift

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Support the artist: @ simasoz (Twitter) art is so beautiful :)

Also TRIGGER WARNING: mention of sexual assault (it's brief and not the main plot point, this is fluff I promise)

The cool air of the night sent chills racing up Junsui Shiori's skin, causing her to curl into herself more. The thin fabric of her cardigan did little against the chilly October air.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

She huffed to herself and somewhat quickened her pace to a brisk walk. The route home took her through a dangerous part of town. During the day she could usually manage herself, but this late into the night even a pro-hero would need to be extra cautious.


She usually left work early enough where this wasn't a problem, but she unexpectedly had to close today. Nobody could give her a ride, there wasn't a taxi cab in sight, and anyone at work she trusted enough to walk her home didn't work the late shift.

Thus, Junsui found herself in this situation, absolutely terrified out of her mind.

Only a few more blocks then I'm safe at home.

But a dangerous-looking troublemaker had a different idea. She became acutely aware of some footsteps following just a little too close behind her.


"Hey, honey!" The slurred voice of the footsteps called to her. Junsui's grip tightened around the straps of her handbag as she quickened her pace. "Oi, oi~ talkin' tuh you, girly!"

She didn't even want to acknowledge the intoxicated man, but she didn't want him following her home and knowing where she lived either.

Trembling, she dug for her phone while maintaining a quick pace. He was close enough now that she could smell his disgusting stench.

"I said, 'oi.' Ya deaf, hun?" And he yanked at her arm. She yelped as it sent her phone flying.


"Let go!"

"Now see what ya did," he growled as Junsui trembled and her breathing turned shallow. Panic shook every nerve in her body.

"Let go! Get away!" She shouted this over and over again, hoping someone- anyone might hear the ruckus and help her out of this. His grip on her arm hurt and struggling seemed to make him angrier.

"Just- jus relax," he sneered with a deceptively calm voice. She struggled to pull away as he dragged her to a darker part of the street. She kept screaming and shouting.

Someone has to hear!

Junsui tried everything. Kicking, hitting... she even landed a good kick to his groin and managed to run a few feet before he grabbed her again.

This isn't happening! I'm so stupid to-

Her train of thought halted as the disgusting man was yanked away from her. A familiar scarf ensnared him as he collided face-first into the pavement.

"Oh thank God," Junsui choked out a shaky cry.

She still held her breath as she watched the pro-hero Eraserhead land from somewhere above. He barely allowed the perpetrator to yell in protest as he swiftly landed a kick to his jaw. That thing fell to the ground with a satisfying thump.

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