bakugou - the damn dare

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"No, stupid," Bakugou growled for, what, the bazillionth time? Kai groaned and slammed her head into her textbook. It was getting easier to forget her stupid excitement at being able to get some one-on-one time with him.

"I'm not gonna get this! English is hard!" She cried. And in Bakugou's compassion and empathy he smacked her upside the head.

"Itai! You said no more hitting!"

"And you said no more whining! Kami, the stupid weird hair was easier to tutor!"

They'd been studying every night together after Bakugou had lost a game of truth or dare. Mina and Denki had somehow managed to rope him into that one. The boy's competitive streak was just too strong.

Not strong enough, apparently, Kai mused as she let her gaze drift back to the explosive teen. Why didn't he just do the dare?

"Really? Are you zoning out again?"

Kai blinked a few times, lazily refocusing her gaze. "My brain is actual fried chicken right now." She perked up a bit as she turned to pull out her Nintendo. "Let's take a game bre- hey!"

He yanked her back down to the kotatsu table with a low growl.

"We've been studying for five minutes," his teeth grit together so forcefully Kai was sure they'd crack.

Actually, how haven't they cracked already?

"If you just sit down and listen to me, you'll ace this exam. I'm teaching you so like hell you're going to flunk!"

Kai scrunched her face together, hating the study work and hating his stupid drilling. Why on earth did she think him teaching her would be a good idea? Stupid crush and stupid hormones.

"Well maybe if you didn't suck at teaching, I'd be able to focus more."

Bakugou's face reddened. "You asked for this!"

"Well, you didn't just do the damn dare!" Both of them stilled at this, neither breaking eye contact. She didn't mean to bring up the dare, but the words slipped out.

Stubbornly, she ignored how warm her face felt. She wouldn't give in.

Bakugou's eyes narrowed as he suddenly leaned in close. His hand slammed onto the ground next to her and his lips curled into a sneer.


He got a lot closer than she thought he would. Kai slightly faltered.

"Did you want me to do the damn dare?" His voice was quiet and threatening.

Crap, he's hot. Don't look at his mouth, don't look at his mouth....

Her jaw clenched together as her eyes flickered down to his mouth.


Maybe he didn't notice?

His eyebrows furrowed together for the longest second of her life before his eyes widened and complexion colored into a deep red. Kai could practically see the light bulb turn on above his head.

But he didn't pull away.

Oh, screw it all.

She didn't have to lean in far for a quick peck on the lips. This was all new and it didn't help that her heart pounded so hard she could feel it in her hair. She wished it would shut up so she could figure out if she was even doing this right and oh God, he was close and... and...

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