hawks - birds and the bees

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Sumire hung upside-down from her cot, bored out of her mind as she watched honeybees roam around her jail cell. Thanks to her quirk, they bumbled around with no real purpose or direction. Sometimes they'd settle on one of the many flowers littering the small space, but most moseyed around.

Letting her vision unfocus, her world blurred into black and yellow spots floating around.

I wonder where Hawks is.

She thought with a yawn as a bee bumped into her cheek. Maybe she shouldn't have refused to speak to the other heroes who tried to interrogate her. Another sigh escaped her.

That wouldn't have been any more interesting than what she's doing now.

She just wanted to see Hawks.

Her interest in the league front thing was quickly abandoned when Hawks had "joined" the Villain League. The hero had tricked just about everyone into believing he was tired of being a hero. She didn't care either way.

Villains, heroes... they were all the same. She just liked Hawks.

"Using your quirk, hmm, Queeny?" what could only be Hawks' blurred figure entered her cell. Her heart beat quickened as the man she hoped would come stood in front of her. "I don't think that's part of the deal."

She lazily let her vision remain blurry as she stared at his face. "I can't help it...," Which was true. Honeybees always hung around her; somehow her quirk attracted them no matter where she was. "Hawks." A lazy smile made a home on her face as she tacitly gave one of her bees an order.

I like saying his hero name. I wish I knew his real name.

"I kid," he chuckled as an easy smile made a home on his face, like he had never been a spy. Not that she really cared, she merely found it interesting. Did he still feel like he had to be fake with her? Sumire hoped not.

"They gave you a homey little room didn't they?" Hawks commented, observing all the flowers as he dragged a chair near her. When she didn't say anything, he tilted his head.

Cute. He sat in it backwards.

"Aw you mad at me, Queeny?" He gave her one of his typical smiles. She frowned. "I wouldn't blame you. But if we can't chat then it kinda defeats the purpose of turning yourself in."

On the contrary, all she wanted to do was talk to Hawks but now he's acting just like he did with the Villain League Liberation whatever it was called now. He was treating her like everyone else.

I wish he'd call me by my real name. Not my villain name.

Although, Queen Bee was the full name the public had given her.

It was a boring name.

"Nei, Hawks," her words came out tired as she slowly repositioned herself and sat upright, loosely hugging her knees. "You can stop acting with me. I don't care whether you're a hero or a villain. It's all the same anyways..." She yawned and waved over the bee she had given an order to earlier. It carried a small blue little flower clasped between his tiny feet.

Hawks didn't respond to her words, rather, the bee garnered his attention.

She hummed in amusement as Hawks cautiously stopped the flower-bearing bee with a small red feather. She felt a little bad he thought it necessary to use a feather since his wings hadn't entirely regrown.

She mirrored his head tilt and tried to reassure him, "A gift."

"Really?" Hawks sent her a coy smile, "You're not going to have it sting me so you could make me remove your monitor chip?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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