sunflower - the orange hero

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@ nala_bert (Instagram) for this gorgeous art!
⚠️also, kinda manga spoilers??⚠️

Fear was a terrible feeling, a feeling Hana especially loathed experiencing.

The familiar uniform of a popular American hero flashed in her mind as a Japanese hero fashioned with similar colors passed by her on the street. Her chest tightened, palms dampened with sweat, and teeth clenched.

Please keep walking. Act normally. Just walk. Keep walking.

The pep talk was useless as the Japanese hero suddenly turned in her direction. Her heart beat in her throat as breathing suddenly became more difficult than it should've been.

"Miss, are you alright?" The hero approached. His face was nothing like the American hero's, neither was his voice, but all she could see was that monster standing before her.

Am I going crazy?


"Leave me alone," she wheezed in English as she finally managed to get her legs to move. However, her escape attempt failed as the hero grabbed her shoulder.

Hana screamed, stumbling away from the hero.

Thankfully he recoiled. Hana tightened her grip around her bag as she felt the stares of people around her. She needed to get home.

"Hey. It's okay," the hero lowered his voice with both hands raised. "Just breathe."

Breathe? You breathe.

The last thing she wanted was a hero's help, but she felt trapped in the crowd with nowhere to run.

"Breathe with me," he instructed her gently as he coaxed her to take long, deep breathes with him.

Hana hated it.

Stop helping me!

"Oi, Sunflower," Toya's low voice cut through the crowd like a knife. Somehow, when she looked up, his back was in front of her, acting as a shield between her and the hero.

Tears collected at the corners of her eyes as she suddenly found herself clenching his jacket. He said something else to the hero that Hana couldn't quite make out before leading her away from the busy street. She quietly followed as they soon found themselves at her home.

"Come sit," his voice was kind as he walked her to the couch and placed his jacket around her shoulders, an action that despite everything, made her heart skip a beat.

"Wait one second, love." Toya made his way to the kitchen and began pulling out things from the cupboard.

"You don't have to-"

"Yeah yeah," he waved it off, sending a quick smile her way before continuing.

He was being so kind and she just felt so stupid. And crazy.

She thought she was passed these panic attacks and it made her angry. Her fists tightened, bunching up his jacket between her fingers as she tried to get that American hero out of her head. She didn't want to think of his name, his face, his voice...

Was it so bad to hope things would be better once she left New York and never had to see him again? How much control he still had over her life was... it was...

Hana squeezed her eyes shut and hid her face in her knees. What a mess.

She instead tried to focus on Toya's scent that enveloped her.

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