Photoshoot Pt. 2

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Sorry for Grammar Mistakes haven't proofread yet

11:20 PM 11/15/2021

I arrive back at my apartment after our date. Just the thought of it was enough to make me smile as if I was a kid receiving candy. Never in my life have I ever been this happy......Jungkook is the light of my life...ever since I met him it's as if my life was finally complete... If only I knew that things would be like this...then maybe... I wouldn't have wished for this..... knowing that soon all of this would be gone....knowing that my love for him is too strong to be gone......

Am I being selfish?.....

what if Jungkook was in love with someone else before all of this?....

what if he was happier before?....did I ruin his life?....regret is all I can think of.....

maybe if I go to sleep everything will be alright....right?

All these thoughts start piling up in my head both good and bad......if only I was wise enough to think of a better wish...... then maybe I wouldn't be so stressed about it.....


8:00 AM 11/16/2021

I woke up feeling dead today..... starting to doubt everything going on. As I enter the coffee shop, I saw Hyung cleaning the tables with his back faced. I go to the table he's cleaning, as he turns around...

"AHH!" hyung screams

"Mochi, why do you look like that!? Are you okay?, You look sick." He asks with concern while checking me out to see if I'm okay

"Yes Hyung.....just tired..." I tell him. Then he frowns hearing my tired voice

"Jimin-ah I think you should go home, you know I can manage the cafe myself?"

"It's fine Jin least let me work here for a bit..." I look at him with puppy eyes. He then mumbles an "okay" so I got my apron and made myself look a bit presentable knowing that it wouldn't do much seeing that I look like a walking zombie.


8:30 AM 11/16/2021

30 minutes into work and it's not looking that good......I messed up 2 orders. I spilled coffee on the floor and my head is going through a mental crisis at this point. (Poor mochi)

"Mochi, are you sure you're okay?" Jin hyung asks with a worried expression

"Yes hyung........" He looks at me with a doubtful expression

"Ok maybe just a little bit on the downside..." I add

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks as he puts his hands together on the table

"Yea...... it's just that.." I look down with a sad expression

"I feel like I don't deserve Jungkook....."


"Hyung, I know I shouldn't be thinking about these things but at the same time he could've dated someone better, someone more attractive (Jimin, whatever u just said aint in my dictionary but alr) Just someone better in general..."

" this why you're so upset, you're so cute" He says as he pinches my cheeks

"Hyung~....." I whine

"Ok how about this, ill take care of the cafe for today.....and you will get your Jungkookie something" He suggests and my face just brightened up as soon as I heard his brilliant idea...(thank the Holy Jin)

~A Wish In Time || Jikook~|| On-goingWhere stories live. Discover now