One Last Time

128 9 5

(Not Edited, Short Chapter)
7:30 AM 12/12/2021

I drag my carry-on baggage as I walk around the airport after security check

"Well....I'm 30 minutes early, might as well look around the stores"

I went to the different small souvenir store as well as books and magazines

"This book looks interesting..." As I open the travel book to have a glimpse at the pages then I heard a bunch of people whispering not minding it until they mentioned Jungkook....

"Isn't that the guy who was supposedly Jeon Jungkook's Lover?" One of them gossips

"Him? Why would he date someone like him? Some cheap ass" They both laugh as I close the book and death stare at them and they stopped laughing as they notice me staring at them

"So what if I'm a cheap ass? At least I'm not some spoiled brat who probably begs their daddy to buy their idol as if he's an item" Their faces turn into shock as I go to the cashier to pay for the book

After paying for it I walked passed by the girls who are still in shock and looked back at them and said

"be careful next time you guys gossip about someone behind their backs" As I walk away and headed to the nearest restroom and locked myself into one of the stalls and started crying....

"Damn you Jeon Jungkook, Why did I wish for something so complicated knowing you can't be mine...." I mumbled as I hear a knock on my stall door I wipe my tears and opened the door to see a man with a mask on stare at me awkwardly as he hands out a bunch of tissues

"Thank you..." I stare at him blankly confused

"Having a rough day i'm guessing?" The man says voice familiar

"Yea.....Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask

" I don't think so?" Somehow he's so familiar....

"Well....I should probably flights almost boarding..." He says as he walks away waving goodbye

I look at my phone's lockscreen to see a picture of Kookie....

"I miss you bunny......" But then realized the time....It's almost time! I started to panic and started running towards the gate

7:30 AM 12/12/2021

"Kook, hurry up and get ready!" I hear Namjoon Hyung yell and I sat up

"Hyung? What's the occasion?" I ask

"Jimin is going to board in 30 mins!" I became silent and he looks at me confused

"You're not just going to let him right? I thought you said you would?" I look down at my lap

"I realized something......before I went to sleep......I should just let him go shouldn't I? Because of me he's facing too many problems...."

"How do you know that without you everything will be ok?" I look at Hyung

"You think that he'll be ok seeing you miserable?" I shake my head

"The move your ass, we're going to the airport" He tells me and I nod

7:45 AM 12/12/2021

"Shit....can this car go any faster?!" I ask Hyung

"It's not my fault you woke up late, we're almost there anyways, hang on!" He drives faster

We then arrived at the airport and passed through security (until now I still don't know how ppl passing thru security in the movies vs irl TT)

"Kook! It's about to board!" As we ran towards the gate

Lord, I beg you to please make me see Jimin at least one last time....

I made it to the gate and looked around to see Jimin not caring about the whispers im getting

"Jimin!" I spot him but he seems to walk away

"JIMIN!" I called out again but he walked away as if he didn't hear...

I then stopped trying and started walking away hopeless......

"Kook, don't give up already...." Namjoon Hyung says

"What's the use hyung? I don't even know where he's going..."

"You sure about that kook?" As I turn to him as he points at the sign saying Los Angeles, CA

"Hyung, you GENIUS!" As I hug him and he tries to get me off of him as many we're staring

"We have a concert there in 2 days" As my eyes lit up

I want to see you again.....please.....I pray....

8:00 AM 12/12/2021

Sigh.... I made it on time....As I line up to get my boarding pass checked I plug in my earphones and made my way to the plane.....

I check my seat number and row and as I got there I saw a guy sitting by the window looking outside....

I sat beside him since that's the seat and row number on my boarding pass And he turns around and we both stare at each other

"It's you again?" I ask and he nods as he keeps staring at me

"Yea......" He says shyly

"Well then since we'll be sitting beside each other....let's introduce ourselves, Im Jimin" I smile

"I-im.....Call me Jack"

"Ok then Jack mind if I just rant ab my life to you?"

"Go ahead" I giggle

Maybe this flight won't be so bad afterall......

Hiiiii guysss! Sorry for the very very late update I was rlly busy during this summer so.....Im back and i'll be updating again next week anyways,

Stay safe and take care (•ө•)

~A Wish In Time || Jikook~|| On-goingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant