I Wish.........

321 38 30

8:00AM 11/11/2021

A cold winter morning...snowy roads filled with children's laughters......the smell of freshly baked pastries...

*Bells jingling*

Jin Hyungie!~

"Mochi! You're early today?......"

"Its just that its a really nice day today" Jimin smiles

"Let me guess.....BTS?" Jin asks

"You know me too well hyung" he giggles

"What's so special about them anyways?" Jin wonders as he starts fixing the tables

"They are just so.....dreamy especially Jeon Jungkook like his hair...his lips-"

"Ok I get it...Jeon Jungkook is just so amazing...now help me fix these tables and stop day dreaming" Jin rolls his eyes and starts to giggle



(In BigHit Ent., BTS' dance studio)

Yah! Jungkook-ah why are you getting the steps wrong?!

Jungkook stops and pants as Jhope stares at him strictly

"Im sorry hyung its just that im thinking about stuff....."

"Everyone let's take a 5 min break!"

"Jungkook-ah what's been on your mind lately?" Namjoon asks

"Hyung......will we ever find someone we can love?.......will we ever have the time to have fun and be ourselves without any cameras or fans?...."

Suddenly the whole room becomes quiet.....

"Jungkook-ah......we live in a world where we act like dolls....where we put on a mask in front of the cameras to act like who the people want us to be. If we dont....people wont accept us....." As he looks down

"BUT WHAT IF I WANT TO LIVE FREELY! I just want to live normally........"

Namjoon comes closer to jungkook looks at him eye to eye and puts a hand on his shoulder

"Jungkook.......you dont need to live normally to be happy........just keep believing and write your own happy story......"

I'll try.......hyung...

I just wish that someone will be the light to my darkness....

7:00 PM


"OKAY TAKE CARE JIMIN-AH" as Jimin exists the door

*Sigh* What should I do now......... Lets just go to the convenience store....

"Lalalala~ What is that light over there" he whispers to himself

As he goes closer to the small light in the dark alley way he sees a small man. He then bends down and grabs the small man in his palm and sees his broken wing......

"Poor little thing....lets go fix your wing.."

(Time skip to Jimins apartment cause im a lazy mf)

"Ok.......let me lay you down on a pillow and get the first aid kit"

He lays the small man on a pillow and gets the first aid kit. He then returns back to the small man and gets a small bandage and wraps it around the small mans wing......

~A Wish In Time || Jikook~|| On-goingWhere stories live. Discover now