6: Minute Three

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"Oh, my God!" I cheered, running outside to be greeted by a brand new Audi. A huge yellow bow was placed on the hood. I couldn't contain my excitement as I jumped up and down. Dad made sure I got my permit before he dared to give me a car. I've been curious as to why he was so naggy about me needing to finish driving school, but now it all made sense.

"Happy 16th birthday, Princess," my dad stated, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you! I love you!" I gushed. Now, I could be just like Quinn. I couldn't wait to show her my brand new car. My eardrums thrummed at the thought of the squeal she would probably make.

"Hey, I picked out the car," Mom chuckled as she walked over to me. I quickly embraced her in a hug, feeling my heart swarm at the feel of both my parents being right beside me. They were holding my hand and guiding me to the path of adulthood and there was nothing more that I ever wanted. Having the car of my dreams right in front of me with my mother dangling the keys directly in my face was such an eye-opener. I'm finally growing up and becoming a woman.

A tear slipped from my eyes as I grabbed ahold of the keys from Mom. Her brows pulled together as she watched me.

"Thank you both so much!" I sobbed, pulling them both in for a group hug. Their arms instinctively went around me. It had been so long since I felt the arms of both of my parents around me.

When I was younger, what began as unity between my parents quickly transformed into an act of tug of war. Both parents were on opposite ends of the rope, pulling in hopes to make the other fall. I was always there in the middle, watching with worry and fear, trying my best to plead that we all just remain peaceful, but my words were muffled by their hate. Now, it was as though two rivals had finally formed some alliance. Even if it only lasted a minute, I drowned in every ounce of the feeling.

My father's phone began to ring. He was the first to pull away and answer his phone. I watched him walk away from us and into the house with his words far away from our ears in a quiet mumble. Like he had taken a piece of my heart with him, I felt all of my love seep out of the hole. I was left absent and empty.

"Well." Mom cleared her throat. "Let's go for a test drive!"

She pulled away and strolled over to the passenger side. The tension in my shoulders eased as I studied the smile on her face, wondering how much it hurt to always pretend like everything was okay when it wasn't. I never saw my mom cry. She always held her head up high and her shoulders back with a smile gracing her lips.

I headed over to the driver's side and got in. The smell of clean leather from the cream seats immediately engulfed me like a flame.

I was practically jumping up and down on my seat. Mom was watching my every move with a huge grin. It didn't matter that Dad was missing the outpour of happiness dancing around us. It didn't matter that my dad cared more about his job than my birthday. It didn't matter that his phone call probably meant so much more to him than I ever did.

I giggled as I started up the car, loving the deep purr from the engine. As I placed my hands on the steering wheel, it was like I was exactly where I belonged. The car was made just for me.

My dad didn't matter because at least I had my mom who would always put me first before anyone else.

"What are you waiting for?" Mom laughed. "Start it up!"

"Right, okay."

I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal, moving the car forward. I took a moment to get used to it, but the moment I did, I was able to drive faster than the wind. After rolling down the windows, I marveled at the feel of wind flowing through my hair. My ears were clogged with the heated wind as I drove down the street. The sunset was beaming on my body, heating my skin just right. The entire time, all I could do was smile. I finally got a car, and it was the car of my dreams.

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