Chapter 2

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Everyone was gathered in the grand meeting hall at 7 am, where more than half the school's budget was spent, much to the student's delight, staff sworn to secrecy. The staff were not pleased being all dragged an hour early and on top of that no reason was given, it was an emergency they were told.

The room they were currently sitting in was cold due to tile flooring and one busted heater that was wrecked due to constant use of it, which used to be switched on during the night. The culprit claiming to keep the room warm...even when no-one was in the building for the full night, every single fuckin day. A loud cough was heard from the headmaster who stood at the foot of the expensive wooden oak table. Alongside him was the police and Mrs Huffman, who looked manlier than ever.

Mr Dean Jackson was the headmaster's name. He was old with greying hair, fat and frankly quite a bit of a twat when compared to other masters. Whoever had employed him must've been on drugs to even look in his direction. The school was a mess from top to bottom and teaching standards was slowly decreasing with more school dropouts than ever before.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here, so early, in the morning when you could be sleeping in your nice little comfy beds. Needless to say, it has come to my attention that a little girl by the name of Emily Anderson has gone missing during school time yesterday. We have informed parents and are searching all immediate areas, but she is nowhere to be found as of yet."

The quite obese headmaster paused to take a breath and braced his hand on the table to balance himself, "I do not want this information to be spread about to students like a scandal, but kept under cover as we do not want parents complaining about the safety of the school." He was heard muttering something underneath his breath which suspiciously sounded like money and position.

A pause allowed the teachers to murmur among themselves, and one called Mrs Clanks was to shocked to talk, picking up the glass of water to moisten her parched mouth.

"The police are doing all they can, and some may be interviewed today, so please do not be scared if they approach you," the policeman smiled at them while the one next to him wished he'd rather be somewhere else right now. "There is a document in front of you to look at in your own time of Emily. If you have any information to give no matter how little, please do come forward as every bit is crucial to finding Emily."

"Meeting dismissed, and Mrs Clanks can you stay back, I need a word with you." Mrs Clanks nodded, looking at his expression which gave away nothing except for the reddening of his face. The staff walked out and a hand shot out to squeeze her shoulder gently, don't worry. A heavy silence followed and Mrs Clanks could hear her heart beating a bit too fast for own liking.

"Clarice, Emily was last in your class wasn't she?" She could tell where this was going.

She hesitantly replied, "Yes, she was, she asked around 9:15 to go toilet."

Dean smiled at her, a smile that made her feel guilty, and wished the ground swallowed her whole right now, "I've also been told you've your own little investigation." He made little running legs with his fingers, which made her more anxious.

A bead of sweat rolled down her face, "Yes, I did."

"Do you also know that maybe this little adventure of yours wasted precious time in finding Emily?"

She quickly argued, "Sir I must tell you I did in fact inform Audrey of this. I didn't want to cause panic in case she was in school or may have gone out. "

His voice raised a little, "As soon as you noticed she was missing, it should have been reported right away, due to your negligence, fingers are being pointed at us Clarice, if word gets out, you will be in trouble."

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