Chapter 15: Exe's and Oh, That's Gotta Hurt

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A/N: Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone in between, I am better! My wrist is okay now. It healed much faster than I thought it would. I still can't bend it too much, but I no longer need that burn spray that you, well, put on burns. And I'm sorry about leaving the last chapter on a cliffhanger for so long! Here's the big reveal.

You had no idea who was outside.


You woke up about five minutes after you fell asleep. Why? There was furious pounding on the door. Everyone who had fallen asleep was now up and alert. Michael had his knife drawn and was slowly creeping towards the door.

"What's going on?" You asked groggily.

"Shh! Someone's out there!" Billy hissed.

"Are you sure it's not just a raccoon or something?" You inquired.

"Would a raccoon be pounding on the door like a madman?" Billy countered.

"The one's I've met would bez" Norman interjected. "They've all been pretty rude."

By now, Michael had made it to the door. He peeked through the peephole and stared for a few seconds, obviously confused.

He pointed at you and gestured for you to come look. He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something down before handing it to you.

"Is that your ex?"

You joined the in on confusion and stood up, making your way over to Michael. You stood on your toes to be able to see out the peephole and just about gagged. There, pounding on the door, was your ex.

"Yes, Michael. Everyone, go into the bathroom. Stay quiet. I don't care what happens in there, just do not make a sound. Now, go." You commanded. You did not need your ex to know that you were hanging out with eleven of the cool equivalents of Harold Shipman and a homicidal dog.

Once everyone was in the bathroom, you creaked the door open.

"Y/E/N? What are you doing here?" (Your exe's name) You asked, folding your arms.

"Well, I was on patrol, and I saw you at F/F/F/R (Favorite Fast-Food Restaurant) and I followed you back here because you are supposed to be missing. Who were those guys you were with? There was one in a hoodie and one in a sweater." He demanded, shoving his way into the cabin. "And what are you doing here? You're trespassing on private property."

"If you must know, I moved. I came out here without telling anyone because I wanted a fresh start. The guy in the sweater is my boyfriend. And there was no guy in a hoodie, so I guess you're still delusional. And, for your information, I inherited this place when my mom died. So, no, I am not trespassing. But you are. So, please get off my property," You lied. Literally everything you just said was fabricated. You had pulled it out of thin air.

"Yeah? Well, if you're telling the truth, let me search the cabin for the guy you claim doesn't exist; and while I do that, get the papers to prove you own this land," Y/E/N scoffed.

"No!" You shouted.

"What did you say to me?" He asked, his voice laced with anger.

"I said no," You held.

"Y/N, I am an officer of the law. You can't tell me what I can and can't do." Y/E/N argued.

"Well, I am. Don't make me call your boss and tell him that you're harassing me and trespassing on my property. And last time I checked; you were being given a last chance because you kept harassing another ex of yours. The only reason you weren't fired was because she didn't want to press charges. I am more than willing to press charges against you. Now, I won't say it again. Get out!"

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