~ preference two ~

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what would a wedding with him look like?

scout: Scout would ask spy for help with the proposal, he'd take you on a big adventure date during the day and somehow mess it up in the end. He wanted to lead you to the top of a hill with a beautiful view of the city but his headpiece would somehow stop working and he couldn't get directions from spy, and since he didn't know the city spy took him to, he couldn't find the location. He ended up asking you in a McDonald's parking lot to which you said yes.
He'd definitely brag when you were engaged and show you off to everyone. The only thing he loved more than calling you his fiancé was calling you his future spouse. He'd probably want a big wedding and would invite everyone you guys knew. He wouldn't be shy with the kiss and would pull you close, his hands at your waist.

soldier: Soldier would plan the proposal too. Him and demo would set up a scavenger hunt with a bunch of locations that wouldn't normally be romantic but we're for you guys. For example, the dumpster where he asked you to be his girlfriend. You'd eventually find him back at your house, the living room decorated with roses and balloons with a banner asking "WILL YOU MERRY ME?" (he did his best writing it)
The wedding would be very traditional except he'd somehow include America in his vows and wear a little American flag pin on his suit. He also would take off his helmet, just this once. When he kissed you he'd definitely dip you dramatically.

pyro: You guys got "married" when you were playing with him :)
He was communicating with drawings and drew you guys holding hands with hearts around it, and you had a little pretend wedding.
You set up a wedding arch with pillows and put a bed sheet over your head for a veil. Pyro would ask spy for one of his ties, to which he reluctantly agreed. One of his balloonicorns was the pastor, and you two even got soldier, engie, scout, and demo to join the crowd of stuffed animals. I feel like there wouldn't be a kiss, but he might press his mask to your cheek shyly.

"Do ye wanna get married, lass?" he'd ask you, even more drunk than usual.
You had a couple drinks but a low tolerance to alcohol, so of course you said yes.
The wedding, if you can even call it that, wasn't really planned. You two drove to a nearby chapel (don't drink and drive though this is just a story) late at night and convinced a pastor there to do a quick ceremony. The kiss would be sloppy but sweet, demo probably would miss and end up giving you a kiss on the cheek. The pastor would usher you guys out, having to had closed the church long ago.

engie: For the proposal he'd make you two a fancy dinner and after come out with a cake, the decorating icing spelling, "Marry Me?" with a heart. I feel like it'd be a traditional wedding, having it in a church and whatnot. All of his family would be there for sure. The kiss would be short and sweet, he'd peck you on the lips and take you by the hand, leading you down the isle.

heavy: I'm not too sure why but the idea of heavy giving you a little flower during the proposal just makes me melt, that would be so cute especially because he's like over 6 feet so a little daisy would be even cuter. I feel like he'd want your guys' family to be at the wedding and it'd be sweet and simple. He'd be super shy with the kiss and maybe even wait until you guys were in private to give you a small peck.

spy: oh y'all aren't getting married. sorry you fell in love with a playboy-

he might give you a big diamond ring though.

medic: Medics proposal would definitely involve his doves or at least Archimedes. The bird would bring you a note, asking you to meet Medic at a spot at the park you two used to meet at when you first started dating, and there he and the rest of the doves would be. He'd stand there with a bouquet of flowers and a ring. As far as the wedding goes, I'm not sure. I feel he would either want to get married in private or would have the absolute biggest wedding possible and there's no in between. For the kiss he'd hold you close, resting his hands at the small of your back and kissing you passionately.

sniper: You would be in the front seat of his van while Sniper was driving, talking as usual when marriage got brought up. One of you would be like "Wait, do you actually wanna get married?" and the other would respond with a yes. There wouldn't be a huge proposal, just an agreement when the time felt right. I feel like it'd be private and you two would sign all the papers together and stuff. After the paperwork was done, he'd smile and kiss you sweetly.


sorry if you wanted to read something different, I was just in the mood for writing fluff :)

Have an amazing day! Drink some water! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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