~ kid preferences ~

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authors note:
each of the mercs get a different kid to hang out with! some will be boys, others will be girls, a couple I'll leave gender neutral for you to decide!


a kid was added to the team! how does he react?

scout: He'd probably be very confused at first, wondering how the hell a 13 year old got a job to kill people, but when he saw what they could do in training, he understood.

The kid worked with demoman by planting bombs on enemies and getting away unnoticed. The few times they were caught, they'd pull out a pistol and shoot the enemy in the head. Scout was impressed. Not to mention the kid was even faster than him!
Once he got to know them, he was practically an older brother, which was something new to him. Whenever he hung out with the kid he'd act much younger than his age, play fighting or betting he could eat more cereal than them. ("NUH UH!" they'd say in response) He'd tease them sometimes, calling them short or a nerd and whatnot. They'd have fun racing each other and playing sports on their days off.
I also feel like he'd let the new member call him by his real name, which he'd never let anyone do.

soldier: Soldier was completely unfazed when a 10 year old moved into the base. Saxtons niece needed to be babysat once, (I know this isn't canon shhh-) and after she became friends with soldier she was there everyday. She practically lived there. Soldiers favorite game to play with her was war, her favorite thing to do was have tea parties with him and lieutenant bites. Sometimes soldier would give her one of his helmets and a shovel and they'd march around the base, singing the national anthem. Saxtons niece would sing gibberish since she didn't know the lyrics.

pyro: Pyro was ecstatic when he heard the team would be watching the administrators grandson. (Also not canon, I know-) It was great to know there'd be a new friend! He was 12 years old and needed somewhere to stay with for the month since his parents were on a business trip. When the kid arrived, pyro met him at the front door and hoisted him up on his shoulders, carrying him to the rest of the team and doing his little laugh. The kid was surprised and somewhat scared of pyro at first, Miss Pauling had to assure him pyro wasn't anyone to be frightened of. Engineer had to talk with pyro, asking him to be gentle with the kid. At the end of the first day, pyro decided to have a bonfire with the team and roast marshmallows. (one of his favorite things to do!) The kid really liked it and warmed up to pyro, and they've been inseparable since!

demo: Demo would think he was drunk out of his mind when he heard a 14 year old was joining the team. (He was) The kid was found roaming the deserts of New Mexico and stumbled upon the secret entrance to the fort. No one knew who he was or why he was there, but he needed a place to stay, so he moved in. (Miss Pauling quickly arranged a room for him) The kid had a messed up sleep schedule and would be awake at night most the time, just like demoman. The two quickly became friends. The kid would stay up late at night talking with demo, listening to his stories of the Loch Ness monster. In the daytime when there wasn't a battle they'd throw a big party, demo would bring drinks for the adults and soda for the kid.

engie: Engineer was unsure of letting medics 13 year old niece on the team. (Once again: nOT CANON I KNOW-) Medic needed help around his lab and offered her a first job as an assistant. Engie felt she was too young to be on the team, but after all the projects he worked on with medic and her, he didn't want her to leave. She was like a daughter to him! Medics niece was amazed with engineers inventions and loved to watch him fix medics machines when they needed fixing. One of the weirdest things the three got into was when they started teleporting bread to see what would happen, and ended up with a giant monster to fight. Engineer told medics niece to stay back, but she went into battle with one of engie's wrenches and beat the crap out of the thing. Engie was impressed.

heavy: Heavy heard the buzzing of the front doorbell one day and went to go check. Maybe Miss Pauling was delivering their items for the week. When he turned on the camera to see who was at the door, it was a kid. About 13 or 14.

"Would you like to buy some cookies sir?" They asked.
Heavy was surprised. The team never got visitors.

"No. Go back to your family." He responded.

The next day the same kid showed up. Miss Pauling hadn't arrived with the food for the week, and heavy was hungry.

"How much for little box?" He asked.

"5 dollars sir!" they responded.

Heavy felt that pricing was too low so he gave the kid 200 dollars instead.

The kid ended up making a new friend, and heavy ended up having a new favorite dessert.

spy: "We already have a little boy on the team, what imbecile let another join?!" (rip scout)

Spy was furious to say the least. A twelve year old was moving in and was to help engineer during battle.
A child.
They could get hurt!
They never did, spy made sure of that.
Whenever the kid went to get scrap metal during battle, spy would follow them and kill any enemy that tried to get in the way. He was invisible, of course. He didn't want the kid to know he actually cared for them.
One day the kid approached spy.
"Mr. Spy?" They asked. "Have you been protecting me during battle?"
Spy didn't know what to say.
"I told him that!" Engineer added, walking by.
Spy sighed.
"Yes, I have." He finally responded. "I didn't want you to get hurt. You shouldn't be on a field with such monsters."
To spy's surprise, the kid hugged him.
"You didn't have to do that! Thank you, spy!" they said.
Spy hugged them back. So this was what raising a child was like.

medic: Although somewhat surprised, medic was quick to accept the new scout to the team. He was only 15 but excellent on the battlefield. The boy had started to move in, dragging in boxes and whatnot, when he walked by a door with a large cross sign printed on the front. For some reason the tour around the place didn't show this. As he walked towards the doors they slid open like a grocery store. Inside was a large looking, hospital like room. The boy walked in. There was an operating table in the center and windows bordering the top of the walls. Around the operating table hung curtains, with who knows what behind them. The boys curiosity got the better of him and he pulled the curtain back, revealing a table covered in blood, organs, and medical tools.
"I see you have found my latest project!" A voice rang from behind the boy.
He jumped and turned around, facing a doctor. Thank god he had met Medic before, or this would be awkward.
"What is it?" the boy asked.
Medic explained how he was trying to find a way to make organs grow faster and how he had been experimenting with spare organs he had lying around. The boy was intrigued and asked more questions. Medic decided to show him around the lab.

sniper: Sniper was confused with the staff's decision, but knowing Saxton, hiring a 13 year old girl to be a janitor wasn't as weird as the other things he's done.
The girl was very quiet, doing her tasks and not talking to anyone. Sniper was happy about that. He didn't think he could take it if she and scout were talking all the time.
One day, the girl was cleaning as usual when she made her way outside, needing some fresh air. She then saw sniper sitting nearby, with an owl perched on his arm. The girl walked closer to get a better look.
Sniper turned to the girl, giving her a small smile.
"You wanna come pet 'er?" He asked.
She nodded and walked to him.
The two spent time talking about his owl, the girl asked if he had any more pets, to which he said yes. She listened to snipers stories of his previous and current pets, happy to have made a new friend.


this was my first request! I hope that you like it!!! :))

also drink water ❤️❤️

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