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What would making/giving sweets with the mercs look like?

scout: You and Scout were sharing memories together, mainly about your childhood. Scout brought up how his mom would make chocolate chip cookies every once in a while, and how she'd make enough batches for each of the boys to have as much as they like. His face lit up when he was reflecting on the good memory, and you would give anything to see him that happy. So, you got an idea. You went and visited Scouts mom who didn't live too far away and asked her if you could borrow the recipe for the cookies. She gave it to you with a nod and a smile.
The next morning, you got up early while the sun was still rising to make the cookies for your boyfriend. Both nervous and exited to see his reaction, you prepared the ingredients and danced your way around the kitchen. While you were humming a tune to yourself, Scout woke up and made his way to you at the kitchen. He sleepily wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder, burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"What're you doing up so early, beautiful?" He mumbled.

You hummed in response, not answering. The cookies were in the oven and the mess from the prep was cleaned up, so it was only a matter of time until he would figure it out.
Soon the kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of the cookies and the oven let out a ding, telling you they were ready. You pulled them out of the oven and set them on top of the stove to finish cooking. Scouts eyes went wide.

"What made you want to make that?"

You smiled and held up the card with the recipe that his mom gave you.

"Ma's recipe!" Scout chimed. He pulled you into a tight hug.

"Aw, you didn't have to!" He said, kissing your cheek.
You giggled, pulling him close.

So he liked it after all.

soldier: After the mishap with the huge bread monster, Soldier thought he'd bake some bread himself!
Looking at the weekly shopping list, you noticed he had written bread ingredients. Thankfully you found a recipe in one of your cooking books, so you ventured out to find the materials you needed.
When you arrived home with the ingredients, Soldier happily began making the bread.
After some time you heard his rasp voice chime out from the kitchen:
You walked into the kitchen and found a huge mess. Dough was scattered all over the kitchen, Soldiers helmet had a chip in it, Lieutenant Bites was on the counter and covered in flour. What the hell had happened?

Soldier explained how Lieutenant Bites "wanted to help out", but as his sleeves were rolled up and you saw the scratches on his arms, you assumed that wasn't the case for the raccoon.

You two cleaned up the kitchen and began making a second batch. This one didn't work out because you found out you had gotten the wrong type of yeast.

Arriving home with the correct yeast, you started your third batch. This one went smoothly, until you two ran out of flour.

Oh no!

You looked in the cabinets to try and find an alternative, when you noticed you had cocoa powder.

"Do you wanna make some chocolate bread, Soldier?" You asked, holding up the cocoa powder.
Soldier happily nodded his head, adding the cocoa to the dough.
You two kneaded the bread, let it rest, and cooked it. Soon the bread was ready.

Adding the cocoa powder and sugar was a great idea, because you guys made a delicious chocolate sweet bread!

Mission success!

pyro: You and Pyro were going to make some brownies! No special occasion, you just felt like making some and Pyro was up for it.
You found a recipe in one of your cooking books and got to work. Soon the batter was ready and the oven was pre-heated. You placed the brownies inside the oven and turned a couple buttons on the oven so they wouldn't burn. Pyro watched in awe. In pyroland, the oven was the control panel to the rocket ship you were in!

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