1. What the...?

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Harry pov:
I slowly opend my eyes.
What the hell just happend...?
I tried to remember what happend beforw everything went black...
Jay, Carlos, Ben, Gil and I had tourney practise. Gil joined when he found out about it and he basically dragged me into it...
The practise just stopped then... then nothing.
I looked around.
The other four were... wherever we were... too but they were still unconscious.
"Guys...? Wake up." I said as I got to my feet.
Of course they didn't and I sighed.
"Hey idiots wake up!" I shouted and they started to wake.
"What happend...?" Ben muttered.
"Where are we...?" Carlos said softly and I felt a huge pain on the back of my head... I definitely got hit pretty well.
I looked at the others.
"Wherever we are, we need to get the hell out of here." I said and Gil looked at me.
"But this room has no door? Only a small light bulb on the ceiling... Not even a window?" he said and all of us looked around.
"Then how did we get here...?" Jay muttered.
"This can't be good." I said and Ben looked at Carlos.
"You think that magic brought us here...?"
"I don't know!" Carlos said quickly.
"Guys stop it. There has to be a way out." Jay said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Oh really? If it was magic what brought us here, we can't get out. Since guess what, none of us has magic!" I said and Jay and I started bickering.
"Guys..." Carlos said and Ben sighed.
"Hey look!" Gil suddenly said and a dark purple... smoke thing with bright blue eyes came into the room.
"What is that?!" Carlos said as he duck behind Jay.
"It looks like a shadow...?" Ben muttered and I looked at it.
"Then were is the bloody body where it belongs to?"
It flew just a few inches away from me and okay maybe that thing started to scare me a bit.
"You know this shadow thingy?" Jay asked.
"Not me... But... Maybe my dad did..." I said and then Gil got a late but bright moment.
"Is that Peter Pan's shadow?!"
"Gil, Peter Pan is dead just like Harry's dad. It's not Peter himself." Ben explained and I looked at the shadow again.
"You're Peter's son aren't you?" I said and the shadow just left.
"I take that as a yes..." Carlos muttered.
"So a shadow of your dads old enemie's son kidnapped us and probably wants to kill you. Great." Jay said sarcastically.
"Then why are we here...?" Gil muttered and I looked at him.
"Maybe because the five of us were together when that thing got us? Besides I never met that guy in my life before!" I said and Ben looked at me.
"Well Mal also hated Audrey from the start because of their parents..."
"Shut it AK." I said.
"Okay maybe fighting eachother ain't the best option." Carlos said and I sighed.
"I hate in when you're right dogboy." I said softly and Gil looked at me.
"Why are you bleeding?" he asked and then I felt with my hand to feel blood on the back of my head... That wasn't there earlier...?
"Why is it glittering like that?" Ben asked just as comfused as I was.
"I have no idea...?"
"That's just creepy..." Jay muttered.
I whiped the blood from my hand on my pants as I noticed that that shadow guy returned.
"Eh guys...?" I said since they didn't notice because they were talking about the fact that apparently my blood was glittering like that.
That thing grabbed my throat and suddenly the two of us were somewhere else.

Carlos pov:
"Eh guys...?" Harry said and I was the only one who looked up.
The shadow guy was back and he grabbed Harry by his throat.
"What the-?!" I said and they just vanished.
"What?" Jay asked then as he turned, he noticed that Harry was gone.
"Where is he?" Ben asked.
"That shadow thing took him along!" I said.
"What do we do now?" Gil asked.
And for one reason those four looked at me.
"Why is everyone looking at me?!"
"You saw what happend... Do you have a plan?" Ben asked and I looked at Jay with a hopeful look.
"I guess you don't..." Jay muttered.
"Oh well I'm sorry that I'm not a leader type with good plans!" I said and I looked towards Ben.
"You're a king, why don't you lead like you learned for your entire life!" I said and Ben looked at me.
"Okay both of you calm down." Jay said.

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