4. Are you kidding?!

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Gil pov:
I gasped.
"I'm an idiot!"
Carlos looked at me.
"We know you're not the brightest but..."
"No, not like that... Okay maybe that too..."
Jay looked at me.
"What were you going to say?"
"My bull necklace. It has a magic bean in it for emergencies. I can get us out of here!"
"And you're saying it now?" Ben said and I took the bean out of my necklace.
"Wanna go?"
Jay and Ben helped Harry up and Carlos looked at me.
"Okay, here goes." he said and I threw the bean on the ground.

Audrey pov:
Evie used her magic mirror to locate the guys and she gasped.
"We have to go now. And call an ambulance. They're in the forest... And it's not good." Evie saod and Mal looked at her.
"Are they hurt?"
"Jay's got a broken foot... and Harry is really pale and seems to be about to pass out..."
"What do you think what happend?" I asked and Uma rolled her eyes.
"I thought we had to go?"

Harry pov:
Everything was still a blurr but it seemed like we were in the forest...?
"What happend now...?" I asked and I noticed that Ben and Gil were helping me not to lose balance.
"I forgot about it but remember when Uma told me to hide a magic bean in my bull necklace?" Gil said and I looked at him.
"I'm pretty sure... I wasn't there... And you didn't tell me... either..." I said weakly.
I saw that Carlos helped Jay, since he could only stand on one foot...
"Oh no not now..." Carlos muttered.
I saw what he meant.
The shadow.
"Oh for gods... just kill me already then..." I muttered.
But then the shadow took out a small bottle of the glowy stuff which was in my blood.
It seemed to drink it... disgusting...
But it turned into a person.
"What the...?" Ben muttered.
"Missed me?" the person said.
"Impossible..." I muttered.
He threw a knife at me and it cut the artery in my neck.
"Oh god!" Ben shouted.
"He's going to bleed out!" I think Carlos said that.
And I did pass out...

Mal pov:
We kept following the trail of the magic mirror to find the boys and Evie grabbed my arm.
"M, look." she said softly so Uma and Audrey didn't hear it.
"He'll bleed out! We need to hurry!" I sissed.
Evie and I looked at Uma and Audrey.
"We have to hurry, come on." Evie said and I glanced at Evie's magic mirror.
Ben was keeping pressure on Harry's wound but I had my doubts about the outcome.
"They're by the edge of the forest. Ambulance is a few mikes away from them, paramedics are going to be there a few seconds after us." Evie said and Audrey looked at us.
"You two know more." she said and Uma looked at us while all of us were still running.
"Yea you do. Spit it out!"
"Harry's going to be dead soon if we don't hurry, that what you wanted to hear?!" I shouted.

Ben pov:
"Guys, the cut is too deep. I can't keep enough pressure on it, while making sure he can breathe." I said.
"We're kinda busy right now..." Jay said.
I looked at them and saw who they were fighting.
"Captain Hook!?" I said and he looked at me.
"Boo." he said.
Jay seemed to have huge pain in his foot but he tried to ignore it in order so those three could fight Captain Hook off.
I looked at Harry.
"Come on... Stay with me pal."
He was still passed out and I had my doubts if he'd wake up.
"Ben!" Mal's voice yelled and I looked up.
Uma used a spell on Captain Hook to paralyse him and she looked at Harry.
"The paramedics are almost here." Evie said and Audrey seemed to see a ghost as she looked at Harry.
"How did you girls find us?" Gil asked and Evie held up her magic mirror.
"After several hours of not being able to contact any of you, we used my mirro to find you." she said.
"Nice..." Jay said as Carlos helped him to sot down.
"Paramedics, step aside." one of those guys said.
"If I do that now, he'll bleed out." I said.

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