2. Missing

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Mal pov:
Weird... My texts to Ben weren't getting delivered for almost six hours... Even Belle and Adam didn't know where he was.
Although Ben wasn't the only guy I haven't seen in a while.
Carlos, Jay, Harry and Gil seemed to be gone too...
Evie asked me about Carlos earlier but I couldn't help her since I haven't seen him either.
Uma was kinda pissed that Harry and Gil weren't at work and even Audrey asked about Harry...
Sure Audrey and Harry were flirting a little bit when the barrier came down but I didn't think it was that serious, knowing Harry.
I decided to text all five guys and none of the messages were delivered.
Wherever they were, something wasn't right.
Okay sure Harry and Jay forgot to charge their phones all the time, Gil probably forgot it at his dorm and the battery died but Carlos and Ben always have a full battery and they're never out of their data.
I texted the other three girls to meet up at my place asap. Something was wrong and we would find out what.

The girls looked at me.
"It's so unlike Carlos not to reply... He always replies." Evie said and Uma rolled her eyes.
"I swear if Harry and Gil forgot to charge their phones again, I'll murder them." she said.
"Is that her way of saying that she's worried?" Audrey asked.
"No." Uma said.
"Yes." I said at the same time.
"Maybe I could track their phones down? Carlos showed me once how to do that with his laptop." Evie said as she walked to the dorm of Carlos and Jay to get Carlos his laptop.

She came back and frowned.
"Their phones really are offline. But this is the last location I can find." she said.
I looked over her shoulder.
"By the tourney field... Their practise was hours ago. Let's check if we can find something." I said.
"Good idea. Maybe we find something of where they went." Audrey said.
"Of what happend to them." Uma said and Audrey looked at her.
"You mean as in something bad could've happend?"
"You never know..." I muttered and Evie returned Carlos his laptop before we headed to the tourney field.

We all split up to look for something which could be related to their disappearance since their phones all died at the exact same moment, coincidence? I didn't think so.
"Hey girls! I think I found Harry's backpack!" Audrey shouted and we all ran to her.
"It is his." Uma said.
"Look, the phones of Carlos and Jay, they're broken in half!" Evie said and I saw Harry's, Gil's and Ben's phones a few meter further... Also broken in half.
"Something is definitely wrong. They're in trouble." I said and Uma looked at me.
"Definitely. Those guys would never break their phones like that. Harry would've smashed it in pieces, not breaking in in two parts." she said and Evie rolled her eyes.
"But how do we know where they are?" she asked and Audrey started to whistle.
A few blue birds came to her and she looked at us.
"They know more. A few other birds saw them being knocked out and brought into a black van." Audrey said.
"How typical, a black van..." Uma muttered.
"Do they know where to?" Evie asked.
"Hold up, since when can you talk to birds?" I asked.
Audrey looked at Evie.
"These birds don't. But they might now a few birds who do."
Okay, I was getting skipped... What a suprise...

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