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All canonical chats disappear randomly all at once. All the words in Niki's book, all Foolish's Doozers, all Techno's voices, all Ranboo's particles, all the snippets of voices that come through Jack's headset, all Phil's crows, all Fundy's little clay people, all of them. What happens with them, is they're materialized into one physical being, that of which is a mix of all them. But there's a catch, they all control the same body. Although, they can separate to all the separate beings they are, but they have to ALL be there to become one again.

They have to come up with a name for themselves as a possible alibi if needed, and came up with (Y/N) (L/N). They all agree, and fuse. When separated, they can change what they are, whether that be a Doozer, to a particle, etc. those who don't quite have a usual physical body, are ghosts, like ghostbur, but a little different.

(Y/N) has a habit of quoting things chat says, like, "HUP 2 3 4" When they're near Foolish, etc. they do it mostly as for they know the emotional attachments they bring to them, so they say it as to comfort them while they're away.

(Y/N)'s physical traits:

They have feathers on their fore-arms from the Crows and big black wings, usually they wear hard-hats from the Doozers, there's multiple purple marks on their body like freckles from the Particles, they have a ferret tail and eye marking from Eret's Ferrets, various writing across their upper arms and shins from Niki's book, their aura is of snippets of conversation around them from Jack Manifold's headset, and whenever they speak it's like a voice in the listeners head and as if they were lip-syncing to the voices from Techno's Voices. They're pretty short, (4'10) because of the Doozers being 6 inches tall. They have a little chat-bubble like mark on their cheek by the corner of their mouth indicating the Chat part of them. They have (H/C), medium length hair, tied into a ponytail and the top of their hair usually pulled into a ponytail on the top of their head attaching to the one in the back. (I say it like this because they're two separate ponytails and it's visible, yet at the end of the top one it attaches right by the start of the one in the back.) the ponytail in the back is short. They have pale, almost white skin. They usually wear sneakers, dark jean shorts, and a cropped (F/A) hoodie. (Favorite Animal) and a lemon pin in their hair, from Ponk's Lemon Society. (Since Ponk is one of my comfort streamers, I just had to add this.) (Y/N)'s voice sounds like a girl and a guy speaking at the same time normally. They can change it from girl and guy whenever they want, too. (Y/N)'s skin is partly of clay, from Fundy's clay people, so if they were stabbed or poked too hard in those specific places (I promise you I don't mean it in a dirty way- I swear-) the persons finger would just poke through. This doesn't harm (Y/N) in any way, though.

The members without canonical chats aren't fully suspicious of them, but are still curious about them which is reasonable.

They live in a hideout deep in the a forest miles from the SMP. They have a multitude of tents, and huts for them all to live in mostly made of dark oak planks, and smooth stone. Whenever they're separate, they usually work on their camp and tending to stuff. They love baking, and so will commonly make cake, and cookies, but they do their best to treat it how they should, so as a treat. They then will also make sure to have plenty of steak, fish, and pork. All their favorite foods are cake, and cod.

(Y/N) and Slimecicle, or Charlie, or just whatever you'd like to call him, are good friends. Whenever Charlie's not spying, and not with anyone else, he goes to the far edge of Las Nevadas to meet up with (Y/N) in secret. Sometimes (Y/N) will sit in a shaded tree and watch people walk around, and occasionally sees Foolish working on mainly putting sand down. They enjoy watching him, and they occasionally will set notes of encouragement down for him where he'll work. Mainly just the Doozers main words, "HUP 2 3 4" the notes usually say with a cheer in the writing.

They'll even leave stuff for other members that don't have canonical chats. Like, leaving BBH his favorite muffins for him, messages with feathers for Phil, some real and drawings of bees for Tubbo, and some supportive words for Tommy.

(Y/N)'s a little bi-polar, so they tend to change emotions and moods within seconds. Although, it mainly depends on what's going on. Along with that, they tend to feel emotions very strongly, yet can also be apathetic to which they do not feel the sympathy nor empathy most would. A lot like flat emotion, but a tad different.

(Y/N) and all the others have full knowledge of the outer world, or real life. They keep it to themself/selves, yet still dread the fact that everything may just be a dream, and fear and dread the time they may wake up from said dream. They enjoy this new life all too much to just give up, so occasionally they'll pinch their arm to make sure.

Charlie and (Y/N) like to have little karaoke nights usually around midnight at the edge of the forest by Las Nevadas. Depending on the song, (Y/N) would change their voice to girl/boy to fit the song. If there's multiple (or more than two) people in the song they're singing, (Y/N) could easily be the other voices. They are just about best friends, and truly enjoy each other's company. (Not like being around Charlie ISN'T good company, he's amazing in my personal opinion that no one asked for- anyway-)

(Y/N) and Charlie would also share their knowledge and experiences to each other, having fun and occasionally playing hide'n'seek.

Since most, if not all, adore Arson and mischief, they obviously just couldn't go without the occasional pranks, yet are careful not to accidentally start off another war. They knew they couldn't have another like The Disc Saga. That was chaotic.

Most of the pranks are small things like things being misplaced, random (controlled) fires in random places, etc.

They of course will do little favors for the members, such as, editing Ranboo's memory book in case there's any important details he forgot to add, giving Fundy some food like berries and fish if he ever started loosing motivation to since the Clay People left, words of encouragement in the form of notes and letters for all of them, and more.

They honestly felt bad for leaving, but had absolutely no control over it. Sure they could have gone to them from the start, but that would still be suspicious because they were a lot different before, so everyone would notice the changes. And how would they explain they come from an entirely different universe and world and somehow were sucked into there? They'd sound insane. Who knows what would have happened.

(Words: 1265)

My apologies for the LOOONGGG ass detail chapter, this AU is just really complicated in my opinion and don't wanna leave anyone with buckets of questions, so again, please forgive me- and, also, by the time you read this, Chapter 1 should be out, and I'll be working on Chapter 2 soon! Author-Chan, out!

Embodiment of Chaos [DSMP Realistic! PhysicalChat! AU] {DSMPXChat!Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz