Chapter 2

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Separate Chat POV:

We all heard something in the bushes, we all turned our attention to the thick line of trees and berry bushes. We all huddled together, quickly whipping our heads around making sure we all were there. One, ten, forty.. we counted all of us quickly, around ten of us were out mining.

We quickly redirected our attention to the same place again, and saw a fluffy poof of chocolate brown hair pop out from the bushes. Tubbo? We all looked at each other, backing away slowly. Out came Tubbo, our suspicions confirmed. "Woah, that was a lot of berry bushes. I wonder who's-" He stopped as he stood up and directed his attention to the mass of creatures which was us. He stood there, stiff, eyes wide, and mouth agape. "What? Tubbo?" We heard a male voice ask. Ranboo. We all looked at each other, seeing some of us as particles, and some of everything else.

Ranboo stepped out from the bushes, making the same face as Tubbo as he stood right next to him.

A moment of silence went by.





We all yelled in sync, running all around, in every direction except closer to them.

They started chasing after us as we started to regroup.


"No! Then we'll reveal (Y/N), the fact we can fuse, and besides, (Y/N) could be used as a backup plan!"


"True, true."

"Well then, what do we do?! Ranboo and Tubbo are chasing after us! Wait.."


"Has Ranboo unlocked teleporting yet..?"

"Ohh shoot, we didn't make sure he could or not yet, dangit.."

Back with Ranboo and Tubbo

Tubbo POV:

Me and Ranboo were walking along Las Nevadas, after a few interactions, I don't fully trust them enough to just let them be. I had to make sure they didn't have any dangerous weapons, but I'd need backup. So, who else would I bring except my platonic husband; Ranboo? I don't know.

We walked in a forest after we heard lots of running, and voices. They sounded urgent, and were discussing something. They stopped at a camp, with multiple tents, beds, and chests filled with supplies, and a mine not too far from it all. We walked through the bushes, and finally reached an opening mid-conversation. "Woah, that was a lot of berry bushes. I wonder who's-" I stopped what I was saying, and stared agape at the sight in front of me. A lot of different creatures stood in a circle, they were looking directly at me. Small purple and white/black wingless-fairy-like creatures that made quiet enderman sounds, reminding me of the effect things Ranboo had. Crows, ferrets, little clay people, I think the little guys that follow Foolish around, and different ghosts. Ranboo came up beside me, he said something but I didn't hear what he said. Moments ticked by, silence. All up until they all yelled, "SCATTER!" and ran.

Me and Ranboo looked at each other, processing what happened, until we started running after them. "Ranboo! Can you teleport yet??" "Lemme try" he stopped. "Yeah, nope-"

Chat POV:

"C'mon, Chat! We can run faster than this!" Some yelled, mainly to those lagging behind.

"Where are we even headed?!"

"How are we supposed to know?! Just keep running!"

"Why?! Why can't we just reveal ourselves!"

"What do you think would happen?! How would we explain all we know! We were so robotic before, now all of a sudden we're like this?!"

"True, true"

Those of us who weren't arguing were sighing and annoyed at the whole argument.

"Should we go to someone?"

"And reveal who we're close to? No way!"

At this point we were quiet, and slowing our pace. We had lost them long ago.

We stopped, and sat on the grass and some on some logs.

Just about all of us were misty-eyed, some broke out into a full on crying fit, and those who weren't were looking at the ground, every one of us with their fists clenched. We all missed our family, a lot of us not even sure they would notice they were gone. We all were partially relieved, but also grieving what we must be missing.

"How the hell did we even end up in this world..?!" Some choked out in between hiccups. We all huddled together, hugging and embracing each other. We were tired, out of hunger, some of us low on health, and completely out of food and resources.

A portion of us were facing out into the forest cursing their lungs out.

One of us sniffled, wiping their nose before speaking up. "We need to head back to base and pack up, but first, before we all ended up here, what was everyone doing?"

Most were watching a stream, watching videos, or reading. Some sleeping.

"Wait, what is there something we all have In common at those times?"

"We we're all alone.. or with someone else that's also here.."

The area fell silent, a tense feeling filling the air.

A particle floated up, and all attention was drawn to them. Millie was the particle. "We've gotta keep our focus and keep our eyes on the prize! Our prize is for now getting safely and discreetly to the base." Zee said with as much confidence as they could muster. It was more than enough to give the others confidence, and hope. "Alright, let's do it!" The rest cheered. They led the way back to the base, pausing and changing pace and path when needed.

Once they all got back to the base safely without a single incident, minor ones if you wanna count those, and not much of even a scratch. They all hadn't lost hope even now, and they packed up everything they could as quickly as they could, trying not to leave a trace of their existence.

"We know how Tubbo is, he'll most likely say something about what him and Mr. Boo have seen, which we know is us, so we should try and either stop them somehow, or something else, anyone got a plan B?" Zee asked.

Everyone looked around, shaking their heads.

"Alright then, should we make one? Do we even have time..?" Zee questioned. Zee sighed softly, grinning to trick every negative feelings that may arise, even those in them. "Then we go on instinct!" Zee and a Doozer cheered. Zee and that specific Doozer were close, and were playing Minecraft when they had been sucked in. That specific Doozer also was their gf, they were on-call, talking about whatever they thought of. The Doozer's name was Nugget. (Yes, it is I, the wondrous Nugget and their magnificent gf that words cannot explain how much they are loved and adored- <3)

"Then let's do it!" Nugget cheered.

At this point, everyone was giddy and excited, all hyped for this new adventure. They still were cautious though, they had to remember the risks they were taking as for not having any type of plan, except going by pure instinct.

(1119 words)

Embodiment of Chaos [DSMP Realistic! PhysicalChat! AU] {DSMPXChat!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now