Chapter 4

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Nugget POV:

I couldn't take just listening in on their conversation anymore, it's only been two minutes but still. Minuscule attention span and minimal patience.

I opened the chest a little, which took a surprising amount of strength, but not too much. As soon as I opened it, it creaked, and Foolish immediately turned his attention to the chest. I immediately dropped the top of the chest and it hit my head. I almost yelled an "Ow!" And covered my mouth. 'Damnit, this isn't going according to plan-' I quickly scurried further into the chest, hiding under as much stuff as I could without getting crushed.

Not too long after I buried myself in the stuff in the chest, the chest opened, I immediately stopped, hoping it would help me hide better. Somehow.

'If he searches randomly, while he has his hand searching for me, I use the movement to my advantage and scurry to the bottom. A corner at that. If only I could talk to Chat, this is getting harder by the second..'


Instead he grabbed things one by one, picking them up and carefully dropping them on the sand.

'Wait, Sand.. Sand! I can call for Sand!'

I took a deep breathe, and yelled as loud as I could for Sand. To my luck, I could barely hear the sound of paws prancing on over, and the panting of a dog. I quickly dashed out of the chest and landed on Sand the dog.

I patted Sand on the side, hurrying them to go.

"Sorry Foosh! Maybe we can talk this out in due time!" I waved as Sand ran off.

I laughed as I still waved, yelling, "Nugget, away!" I chuckled, turning back around to face where Sand was headed.

'I should find the others.'

"Sand, sniff! Find the others!" I grinned, Sand slowed down a little to looked over their shoulder and sniff me a little to gain the scent, sniffed the air, and obviously caught the others' scent, and ran towards where they hopefully are.

Foolish POV:

'Nugget.. wait, Nugget! They sneeze when there's too much sand in the air, right? There's plenty of sand here!'

I grinned, grabbing half of a handful of sand in my tallest form (usual/canon, I'm going by headcannons and what foolish said on stream before, "I shrink" in his words- I forgot all of what he said so uh yeah-)

And chucking it towards where Nugget ran off on that dang dog.

I waited a moment, and watched the sand fill the air, and then separate. It was silent, until I heard a sneeze, assuring me of where they went.

Nugget POV:

I was sure of my righteous victory and inevitable escape! ...Uunnttiiill a cloud of sand poofed on top of me. I managed to silence a sneeze, but another one quickly came before I could stop it.

"Ffffuuuucccckkkkkk-" I grumbled, ushering Sand to go quicker. But, alas, I heard loud footsteps trailing behind me.

"Why in the fuck won't this man just lemme get back to the others- this motherf- aa- no- not again- ACHOO- FUCK-"

I blinked, slowly processing what happened, not even realizing Sand had slowed down. "Why don't I get smart for once in my damned life. Oh yeah, it's big brain time." I grinned triumphantly, maybe a little crass, but who cares.

"Which form would be best.." I stopped Sand right under a tree in a thick oak forest after I had found a big rock, almost a Boulder but uhh.. I'm 6 inches tall at the moment so erm.. yeah.. gonna be a slight problem. Especially with the fact that there's no stronger or bigger form, every other form has some sort of flaw not allowing me to gab anything at certain sizes. And i can forget being a ferret or clay person, clay can barely pick anything up in general, and with the small risk of becoming hardened clay. Terrifying. And ferrets, don't get me started. Not to offend a single person, no matter the species. Just, well, none of the forms can lift something like this. A pebble definitely, or a bucket, mainly things of that and those sizes. Anything else, is a no go. Unless you're really good, like a mod. But, well, I'm not quite sure if they've been unmodded or something, maybe they've stayed the same? Guess I'll have to ask once i get back. I wonder how things are going back home? Anyone notice i was gone? Any of my online friends or anything? I wonder if that person i met at the store is here? Wait, maybe! We wouldn't be able to recognize each other tho, we don't even know each other's names. Sad. Wait, Zee! Now I've got motivation!

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