Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Nugget POV:

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I had managed to slip away for a little while by saying I was going to collect some wood just in case. I mean, I am, and already have collected quite a bit of wood, but now I'm just sat on a log trying to calm myself down.

"It's already dawn, I wonder if time passes by differently here than it does back home.. agh, what am I saying, I never had any home back there! In the 'other world' I never belonged.. this place is better. As far as I know we have three canonical lives, and if it's like that for us, then it's better in my opinion.." I heaved a heavy sigh. "I still gotta get used to being this size and like this overall, it's only been.. oh god, I've lost track of how long I've been here.." I punched the log, accidentally making a dent in the flatter part.

"I feel like I'm going to forget how I look back on Earth.. I'm just, I'm 6 inches tall right now!" I said, almost yelling. I heard a loud curious hum from a little ways to my left.

I recognize that voice very well..

my eyes widened, and I immediately hopped down from the log, looking around frantically. 'He's near, how could I have been so stupid..!' I mentally cursed myself. 

"Someone there?" I heard Foolish ask. He sounded a little closer this time. I bit my tongue to prevent any noise from escaping, and slowly started creeping my way back to the base, making sure to crouch as for him not to hear or see me. He continued to call as he walked around. He eventually made it to where I was previously, and looked around. He obviously noticed the mark, and looked around. I started walking faster and faster, my heart racing. I never could know how calm I was until he turned his head to my general direction. He then saw me, and I immediately stood up. We stared for a moment, until I quickly darted away.

FUCK! I gotta change course, I'm leading him back to everyone else..! 

I facepalmed hard, grumbling in frustration.

I quickly turned to my left further into the forest, hoping I'd lead him away from where everyone was packing up. I was too close, and he could then see some of the camp. I quickly whipped around to see him in his human sized form, and staring at the camp. I stood there, frozen. "What do I do what do I do..?!" I mumbled in panic. In all my jumbled thoughts one stuck out, and on instinct my brain chose it like a fight-or-flight response. I bolted to back where I was, back to the log, and screamed at the top of my lungs. It was as if I were some kind of banshee, screaming. I screamed and screamed until my lungs gave out, and at that point one or two of two things could happen, I alert everyone else, and/or I distract Foolish to either give them time to run, or draw him over to me for at least enough time for everyone to get the base packed up and run.

I heard frantic running, and it was only one person I heard, I had lured him. He stood there, and we had what was like another staring contest. I then continued to bolt like an arrow in the forest, running further and further away from the camp, I could hear him running after me. His legs were longer than mine, his were long, and mine were extremely small. But I had more adrenaline running through me than him. I ran, and ran, and ran, I turned, and turned, I didn't even know where I was headed, and my adrenaline still wouldn't drain. I thought I would be running for years, until I bumped into something, luckily it wasn't hard or rough enough for it to be a wall, but too firm to be a hill or block. I looked up, fearing it would be someone like Foolish, Quackity, Purpled, or Sam, anyone, but for once, luck was on my side. It was Charlie. He looked down at me, and smiled as he waved. I cracked a smile and tried to ask him to hide me before Foolish came. He seemed to understand me through all the stuttering and stammering, and picked me up and started to walk around, trying to find somewhere to hide me. He didn't manage to get too far when Foolish had came out of the forest and was looking around. Charlie quickly ran to a chest, but stopped when he heard Foolish speak up and put his hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Hey, slime, I uh-" Charlie cut him off, "Oh! Fooliiish!" Charlie said, quickly turning around and hiding me behind his back. "Uhh, slime? You hiding something..?" Foolish asked. If slimes like Charlie could tense up, he'd be really tense, I can assure you. (Fourth wall? Never met her-)

"Uhhh.." Charlie trailed off. Foolish tried to look behind Charlie, it wasn't all that hard because of the height difference, which isn't too much, but it's still something.

Charlie managed to move away, I could practically hear his smile becoming awkward. Charlie walked backwards a little towards the chest, he opened it a little and moved his hand that held me towards it. I sucked up my fear, and jumped in. Charlie closed it slowly, and all I could do at this point was listen.

Foolish POV:

'What's he hiding..?'

"Slime, everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine!" He replied slowly.

"O..Kay. You sure?"

"Yes!" He smiled. Hard to push any further with that smile, and hard to believe.

I was going to give up and continue on with the day, until I heard a small creak, and saw a small glimpse of the chest behind Slime open ever so slightly.

(Short chapter but it took a while to make, hope you all enjoyed it, and continue to further in the story!)

Words: 1022

Embodiment of Chaos [DSMP Realistic! PhysicalChat! AU] {DSMPXChat!Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon