Chapter 7

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I searched the aisles of the store tirelessly. "What is she going to like?" Søren murmured also looking at the endless amounts of clothes next to us. I didn't know. "I guess we could get her some chocolates or jewellery." I said trying to think of stuff. I didn't really do my own gift shopping back in Australia. Mum normally told me what the girls of the family liked or she'd hand me a object to wrap up and give as a present. 

I picked up a box of chocolates and Søren picked up this blue dress. It had little daisies on it and long sleeves. It looked good. No doubt it'd look good on Andrea. Then we picked up some jewellery. Him a pair of earrings and mine a necklace. We hurried to pay for what we got before getting home. We needed to get these wrapped up and ready for later. 

Wrapping the presents was hard, the tape kept on sticking to itself and the wrapping paper ripped. In the end I wrapped it up as best as I could before writing in the card. Then the big debate happened. Do I put from or do I put love from. I ummed and arred about what I was going to put. I went with love Adrian, I'm sure she'll think of it as friendly love. 

Anders was waiting for us downstairs a big basket in hand. "Søren can you carry the cake to the car?" he asked as soon as he saw us. Recently he's been really chilled out but at the same time he seemed to distance himself. The first few days back at school were horrendous. People snickered as Andrea walked passed them. They kept gossiping about the disaster prom and spreading videos throughout the school. Andrea didn't say anything or showed that it bothered her. Just like when they started making fun of Søren and I for being friends with her still and asking us when we were going to ditch her. 

I didn't care. We made a promise to stick together no matter what happened. We went to the beach not too long later and set up the blanket we would be sitting on and put all the food out. Delilah came a bit later than we wanted her to and she dragged Andrea behind her. "Happy birthday Andrea!" we cheered once she sat down. The dark green summer dress she wore, complimented her skin. 

It was a pleasant afternoon. We all sat watching the sun set on the horizon. I was happy that Andrea seemed to be having a good time. I was also happy that she liked the gifts that we got her. "Thank you," she cooed with a shy smile. It was nice seeing her smile again, genuinely that is. We walked home before it got dark and had some slices of cake. 

Andrea even got some stuff from her family in Norway and spoke to them on a video call. She seemed to perk up even more when she got to talk to her Mother and brothers and sisters. It was only hours later when I came down at past midnight to come and get a drink that she was sitting on the sofa and cradling a steaming mug of hot chocolate. 

"What are you doing up?" I asked sitting down on the other end of the sofa. I saw the glazed over look she had and the slight red tint to her nose. "Adrian?" she asked. "Yes," I responded. Maybe I responded a little too quickly but she didn't seem bothered. "Do you ever get homesick? Silly question I know," she spoke softly. A small frown settled on her face. 

I thought about it. Sometimes I get so caught up with school work that I don't have time to think about home. Other times when I do have a moment spare, I over think about what could be happening while I'm gone. "I do. I miss my family terribly. I can't think what it must be like for you, you've been here longer than I have." I muttered. I couldn't think of any other way to word it. 

Her frown smoothed out into a soft smile. "I really miss them Adrian. Sometimes I think about what I'm missing. Whether they miss me as much as I miss them. I worry that someone's gotten sick or I'm thinking of all the special days and birthdays that I'm missing." she murmured and then took a sip of the hot chocolate. 

"I understand. I do it too. I can assure you that they miss you as much as you miss them. If not the same then more than you miss them. Just think of it this way. They're a phone call away and you'll be seeing them soon. School won't last much longer and then we'll be home again," I uttered watching her movements. I hope I wasn't saying anything wrong. 

She got up to got put her mug away. I wasn't ready for what she did next. "Thank you again Adrian, you've really been a life saver. You and Søren both," she spoke so softly, it was almost a whisper. She pressed a kiss to my cheek. It was gentle and warm and it sent shocks through my body. I ended up coughing a small bit to hide my surprise. "It's what friends do," I responded. 

We stayed up talking about many different things. Like what we wanted to do when we were older or what we wanted to do in the next year at school. Andrea fell asleep. I brushed some of her hair out of her face and admired the peaceful look that graced her face. I picked her up and carried her to her room. I placed her down in bed, tugging the covers over her body. I didn't want her to get cold. 

"Sweet dreams, Andrea," I murmured and pressed a kiss to her forehead. I took one last glance at her sleeping figure before walking to my own room. 

Happy 16th Andrea. 

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