Chapter 33

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Months seemed to come and go as quickly as they appeared and before I knew it the dawn of a new year was almost upon us. I laid down with Nat on her bed. Naomi was peacefully sleeping in the cot in the other room. I was pleased and surprised when Nat's Dad told me that Naomi could use Nat's younger brother's room. I remember Nat's Dad just laughing and patting me on the shoulder, telling me I'm family now and Naomi is welcome whenever. 

It was one of the night that I was staying over with her. Just like had been agreed ages ago. I'd stay over at weekends when neither of us had things to do and relax together. There was information that I found out about her that really intrigued me. Apparently her Mum left when she was still a kid and travelled around the world while her Dad struggled juggling a job and raising a kid. 

She is unsure of what career path she wants to take but she's currently studying midwifery. There were a lot of small stuff I learned too. Natasha never has the tv too loud and insists the sound stays at 12. She always ends up with one leg tucked over the covers while asleep. She also like the sound of rainfall.

Every little thing that I found out about her just seemed to make me fall for her more and more. "Meet my parents," I stated. I need Mum to see how happy she makes me and to meet her once and for all. Since we're quite a few months into our relationship, I don't see why not. Nat lifted her head up in shock, moving to sit up and look down at me. 

"Are you sure?" she asked warily. She knew about my situation with my parents. "Not my Dad. At least not yet. I still haven't come to terms with his apology. Why wouldn't I want you to meet my Mum and Evan?" I responded. I pulled her to lay back down with me. 

I drew circles on her arm to soothe her. "I- When? What would I even wear?" she stammered and started running over all scenarios in her head. Her brow furrowed as she probably tried to picture what outfit to wear. "Relax, Jess will be there too." I mumbled. I closed my eyes already feeling the oncoming tiredness. 

"Tomorrow, Mum's asked me if I'm bringing you over to stay a few nights," I responded. Natasha yawned and cuddled into me more. She mumbled something about thinking about stuff tomorrow and within minutes she was already dozing off. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to get to sleep too. 

I awoke early and saw that Natasha was still asleep. I wriggled out from her grip and threw on yesterday's clothes. I looked around in her wardrobe until I found an outfit for her to wear and some clothes for her to pack into a bag. Surprisingly Naomi was still asleep. I started cooking breakfast when I heard giggling. "Shh, your Daddy's trying to cook," I heard Nat say quietly. 

I smiled to myself. It's safe to say that everything's going fine and I wouldn't trade this for the world. When I finished up breakfast, I took it into the living room where I saw Nat distracting Naomi from her nappy being changed. It's like she's naturally a Mother. 

More of a Mother than Delilah ever was. 

A small voice seemed to bounce around my thoughts. I remember when Jess said that when she 'coincidentally' ran into us at the park the other month. She saw how Nat was pushing Naomi in a swing and how comfortable Naomi was around her. Delilah gave up her chance as a Mother the moment she gave birth. 

"My girls look happy," I murmured. Nat's hand flew to her chest. "You scared me Adrian," she cooed softly. Naomi came running up to me. Her big eyes looking at the plates in my hand. "Don't worry little one you'll get some," I cooed. Naomi went straight back to Nat and we sat to each breakfast. Naomi got all sticky handling the sugar sprinkled pancakes. 

"You still okay for today?" I asked Nat. Natasha nodded. She looked a little nervous but nothing that might stop her from going later. "Do you think your parents will like me?" she asked as we sat on the sofa. Naomi was snoozing on top of her and I had no doubts in my mind that she's the right one for me. 

I laughed. That's a silly question. "Of course they're going to like you. Mum's been crazy about meeting you. She won't stop asking me when I'll bring you home. Evan is also excited just because Mum's excited." I responded. I looked up at the clock. I had no idea we had been watching stuff for so long. 

"It's time to go," I murmured and pressed a kiss to her neck. "I'll get Naomi ready," I remarked as I got up. Nat nodded before disappearing a second later. I walked out to my car and put Naomi in her car seat. How the times have gone fast. I admired her sleeping face. So peaceful. I'm happy in myself for looking after her and making her feel like she can be as at peace as she is. I'm happy that Naomi feels comfortable with Natasha. It's only felt like a minute since she was born and now I'm having to think about what school I'm going to send her to. 

I sat with my hand braced on the steering wheel. The past hurts but I got through it and now I'm living my best life. "I'm ready," I heard Natasha say, closing the door on the passenger side. I started driving and all of a sudden I felt nervous. What does Mum actually think of Nat? What does she think of Nat being so close to Naomi? I was nervous at what people thought but I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be nervous of people approving of who I love. 

I took a deep breath and pushed away all the thoughts. I love Nat and that's all that matters. We pulled up to Mum's house and walked inside. "I'm home!" I called out. "I'm in the kitchen!" Mum called out. We walked into the kitchen. "Mum, I'd like to introduce you to Natasha," I spoke. Natasha waved shyly. 

"So you're the one making my boy happy?" asked Mum turning to face Nat. Natasha seemed to shrink behind me a little at the attention. So much for Nat being a bubbly and energetic person. "None of that love, you're family now," Mum spoke pulling her into a hug. I noticed how Nat seemed to relax. 

"Why don't you introduce her to everyone else, they're in the garden," Mum said. I nodded and guided Natasha through the house and into the garden where everyone was sitting. "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Natasha," I introduced Natasha once again and then everyone introduced themselves. 

 Natasha started up a conversation with my younger siblings mostly answering questions about her wild ginger hair. "You really love her don't you?" Jess asked taking a seat next to me. "Yeah, you were right." I responded watching fondly as Naomi demanded to be picked up by Nat. I really did feel like there wasn't enough words to describe how much I loved Natasha. 

"These came for you," Jess remarked dropping two letters in front of me. I opened the first one. My eyes glancing over the words in front of me. I huffed and screwed it up. 

'Dear Adrian,

How come you haven't responded? I'm being moved now to an asylum. A nice padded white room just like your friends wanted me in. I see you've moved on with another woman. Didn't know you had a thing for gingers. I always love you.' 

I was glad that it was such a brief letter. I don't care anymore if Delilah wants to taunt me from the shadows or try to bring me down with randomly sent letters. "What did it say?" asked Jess bringing the attention on the letter I had just screwed up. Nat and Mum looked anxious. "Just Delilah telling me she's going to be surrounded by padded white walls." I responded using Delilah's words. I brushed it off. There's no point in worrying about that. 

I looked down at the cursive on a silver envelope. I opened it and took out the letter. I knew by the writing who it was. I wasn't expecting something from Andrea. 

'Adrian Lawson, 

Our dear friend. We hope this letter and invitation has found you well. We wanted to invite you and a plus one to our wedding this coming month. (Of course Naomi is guaranteed to be with you.) Søren needs a best man. We hope to be hearing from you soon. 

With all our love, 

Andrea and Søren'

I placed the letter down and opened the small card. The invite and date of Andrea and Søren's wedding written in gold lettering. Two plane tickets were also inside this card. I smiled widely and passed the invitation over to Natasha. "Fancy going to a wedding with me?" I asked. Natasha looked down at the invite and grinned. "Sure," she responded. 

"Let's dig in shall we?" I asked gesturing to the food Mum had placed on the table. "I second that," Evan joked already reaching over to grab a slice of lamb. I didn't think I could be in a better mood. 

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