Chapter 12

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We were back at school already. The days between cuddling with Delilah and the end of Spring break seemed to blur and go by too fast. I was still processing the fact that I had slept with her and I had barely any recollection of doing so. Did she drug me? I wrapped my arm around Andrea's shoulders as we talked. I didn't think anything of it. It just felt right. Søren didn't seem to protest so I guess he doesn't mind either. 

"Let's get some food?" asked Andrea putting her bag down on the floor. I nodded. I stood up and immediately after I turned, I was pulled into a kiss. I was shocked. The person pulled away and I saw Delilah walking away towards her friends. Was it a dare? Was I being used for a dare? My anger slowly started bubbling up. I turned towards my table and sat down. Andrea was already gone to go and get food. I heard the whispering gossip start to flare up at nearby table. 

"The fuck is wrong with her?" I asked wiping my mouth with my sleeve. Who did she think she was? I was being played for a fool right in front of everyone. I didn't even like her so why the hell did she pick me to kiss? Out of all the guys in the cafeteria she just had to pick me. "Calm down, I'm sure she didn't mean it," mumbled Søren. I tried to keep my anger down. He's right. I'm well aware that she was just using me for attention and that she didn't mean that kiss. 

I pondered it for hours until we got home. "We're going to pick up some groceries, be back later." Søren said. His arm was wrapped around Andrea's shoulders. Somethings been going on with them lately. They seemed closer ever since we got back from New York. "What's up with you two?" I asked. A nervous glance was shared between them. "I know you loved me too Adrian. I'm sorry to have kept it from you. Søren and I are dating." said Andrea. She worded her sentences carefully and she looked guilty. I pulled them both into a hug. 

"Don't be sorry. Be happy. I'm so happy for you both." I said. I ushered them out of the house so they could go and have their alone time. I was reeling from the happiness. They suited each other perfectly. On the other hand, my heart felt like it was breaking but isn't it what they say? You know you truly love someone when you can be happy for their choices even if it means letting them go. 

I had a drink in my hand and I looked out of the window towards the ocean view in the distance. The sun was setting and creating a perfect glow. There was the padding of footsteps down the stairs and I heard her mutter to herself. "Delilah," I greeted. I tried to keep my voice calm and indifferent. I needed her to know that I was being serious and that I wasn't teasing her. She wasn't exactly the most quietest human being when coming down the stairs. Especially when she spoke to herself more often than not. 

I turned around to face her. I looked down at my drink. I'd rather look at it rather than her. "Yes?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice. I wanted to cringe and shudder at the tone. No one sounds that nice. "You kissed me today." I stated. I placed my drink down on the coffee table and fixed the sleeves of my shirt. I hadn't even changed out of my uniform yet. 

"In front of all those people, must of been a bet from your little possy of friends," I spoke as I walked towards her. I stood in front of her and look down at her. I crossed my arms and awaited her response. Delilah reached her arms up and interlocked her hands behind my neck. She pressed herself against me. Has she no shame? "I do like you Adrian, I really do," she spoke and batted her eyelashes. 

I sighed. This really wasn't going to work on me. I thought she would've known that by now. "Look, I'm flattered, especially after Spring break but I'm not looking to start anything right now." I stated and I held her at arms length. I just hoped that she wouldn't try it on again. I thought I was making it clear that I wasn't impressed by her behaviour and that I wasn't interested. 

"I see," she stated. She seemed to have gone back to normal now. Her normal tone that definitely showed she wasn't getting her way. She looked up at me through her lashes and held her arms behind her back. "Are you sure I can't change your mind?" she asked in a bewitching coo. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. Why was she so persistent? "Not now, okay Lilah?" I made sure to get my point across. Maybe if she was nicer or something we could try dating in a few months. I wanted to like her but I just don't. 

After getting her answer, she turned on her heel and left. I swear she was just doing all this to push my buttons. Maybe it really is just a dare or it's a fake dating situation. I could see the fake dating working and fooling everyone. We were both popular in our own ways. I was popular with the girls and she was just generally popular. 

I headed upstairs to go and get changed. I spare a glance in the direction of her room. I wonder why she stays in her room so much. I will never know what she's thinking. 

Delilah Ellis, you will be the death of me. 

There's Always Second ChancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora