♧Chapter 4♧

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♧The squad that's full of failures♧

It was now morning. Claudia woke and thought that starting today, she is now officially a magic knight. She got out of her room and noticed that the base has changed and thought it was really weird. She walked for a bit until she saw Asta coming out of his room, she went up to him and greeted him. "Good morning Asta~" Claudia said with a smile, to which Asta greeted her in return.

Both of the new comers chat for a bit until Magna appeared. "Good morning newbies! Today I will be taking you on a tour of our base." "As your senpai, it is my duty to help their kohai."

The three of them were walked together while Magna was explaining to them about their base and their squad. They eventually reach the cafeteria and they saw the rest of the squad. They greeted them and took their seat. It was their senpai Charmy who was serving them their food. She used her cotton magic and made the sheep's cook food.


After they eat, the three of them continued to roamed around the base and eventually bump into a girl. The girl was none other than Noelle Silva, she belongs to a royal family and her attitude is not nice, especially to peasants.

The first once to introduced were the boys and Claudia. Noelle then introduced herself to them in a rude way and eventually insults them and just walked pass them. Magna was furious and annoyed by her behavior.

After the tour, they eventually split up and mind their own business. Claudia was at the living room with the rest of the squad but Asta and Noelle were the only ones who are absent.

Aa time goes by, they felt an immense mana and went outside, They saw a huge sphere of water and they saw Noelle inside it. moments later, Asta went up running towards us and Captain Yami grabbed his head and threw him towards where Noelle was. He took out his grimoire and sword and used it to slice the water sphere where Noelle was inside it.

After that, Finral quickly use his spatial magic to put Noelle into safety. Once Noelle was on the ground, she looked at nervous as if she were waiting for something.

One of the squad members then broke the silence and comfort Noelle. The silver hair girl was not expecting some cheers and comfort. They have told her that she shouldn't keep it a secret since their squad is full failures and that she is absolutely welcomed.

Claudia went up to the royal and smiled at her. "Noelle-chan~ let's train together sometime. Maybe I could help you control your magic." "Yes, I would loved to train with you sometime."

After that, they all went inside and have ate some food.


The next day, Captain Yami called Asta, Claudia, Noelle, and Magna. The captain have given them a mission to Sosshi village.

The three new members were excited by their first mission especially Asta.

The four of them then went outside to go to the village. Since Asta has no magic, Magna offered him that he will ride with him on his ride called 'crazy cyclone'.

Claudia then offered Noelle that she could ride with her in her broom since the royal couldn't control her powers.


Earlier that day, Claudia was alone in her room doing her own business. She suddenly heard a knocked on her door and went up to see who is there.

She opened the door and saw Captain Yami. "Hello captain, do you need something?" "Yeah, we need to talked for a bit. Go to the living room and let's talked there." The girl nodded and went ahead.

Once they got there. They both sat down across from each other. "So.. captain what do you want to talked about?" Claudia was curious as to why she got a sudden call from the captain.

"You see, your ki is very different form a human and more sinister. I want you to tell me who you really are and what your powers are." Claudia was caught off guard and she panicked that her secret will be discovered.

"Well you se.." she started off nervously, "I actually have a secret and I don't want all of you to know." She looked at her captain who seem unbothered. "Y'know kid, I'm actually good at keeping secrets. I don't care if you're not human or whatever, I just need to know who you are and that's it." The captain replied. Claudia then began to tell him her story and who she really is.

"Well captain you see, the reason that I picked this squad is, I believe that I more suited here since I am a failure. I'm actually a half-human and half-demon." Yami's eyes went wide and couldn't believe what the girl's saying.

"My mother is a demon from the underworld and she also the queen/ ruler of all demons. My father had used forbidden magic to summon her and begged her to heal his mother which is my grandmother. As years went by, the both of them fell in love and eventually got married and had me. I was born with two horns and two wings. I have a similar face with my mother. She's the only demon who can open the gate from the underworld, she sometimes went back to that place to see if everything is still in check. The first thing that she taught me is how to transform into me human and form."

Yami then interrupted her, "So you're saying that you're actually a demon and your mother can open that gated of the underworld?!" "I thought devils are just some mythical creatures that were made up to scare kids. Well guess you're here then that means they really do exist." "Anyways, you said you can turn in your human form and demon form right?" "I just want to see and confirm it.. so can change back in your demon form?" Claudia nodded and replied, "Yeah, I can do that."

Claudia then stood up and change into her demon form. Horns were coming out of her head and also her wings started to form on her back. The captain was shocked and he could feel the demonic aura coming from the girl.

"This is what I actually look like

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"This is what I actually look like." Claudia said breaking the silence. Yami was so scared that he could pee in his pants right now.

After a while Claudia went back to her human form and the both of them kept this a secret. A few seconds has passed and the rest of the members got to the living room. "Is everyone ok?!" Vanessa asked, "Yeah everything's fine. Why'd you asked?" Claudia said.

The members then told them that they have felt a sinister mana in here and they rushed to see what's the source of it.

Once everything have calmed down. They went back to minding their own business.

Yami now knows Claudia's secret and doesn't tell anyone. Little did they know, that an anti-magic bird saw the whole thing that was happening and was also shocked by the discovery.

Needless to say, the bird didn't mind at all since it knows that Claudia is a good person and she wont do anything that will bring harm to all of them.

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