Chapter 4: The Shiny Rod

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Y/N: Wait so hold on a minute. This is the wand that Shiny Chariot used?

Akko: Yes it is! I found it in the forest of Arcturus! I don't know why it was there, it was just there in front of me.

Y/N: And what exactly were you doing in the forest?

Sucy: We crashed there.

Y/N: You what?!

Akko: Come on Sucy! Don't make it sound so bad! It'll just make Y/N more worried!

Y/N: Damn right it does! You crashed there and I wasn't there with you!

Akko: We were fine!

I could tell that Akko was a little annoyed that I was so worried about her crashing in the forest. But I made a promise to her parents.

Y/N: *sigh* sorry for worrying too much then. I know how much it annoys you...

I will admit I was a bit upset that Akko was being like this and always would be when she did. But it wouldn't last long.

Because I felt Akko put her arms around me which made me look at her.

Akko: I-I'm sorry Nii-Chan...I know you only do it because you care, but it does get annoying sometimes.

Y/N: I admit it! I'm too overprotective! But wouldn't you be the same if the roles were reversed?

Akko: Hmmm probably.

Y/N: Probably? That makes me soooo happy knowing that you would worry about my safety as much as I worry about yours!

I was being sarcastic and she knew it as well. She giggled and gave me one of her playful kisses on the forehead.

Akko: Of course I would be as protective!

Y/N: Yeah yeah I know. So back onto the Shiny Rod, can you use it?

Sucy: No she can't.

Lotte: Sucy...she did manage to use it!

Sucy: Yeah with the Papiliodia but before that she made herself look like an idiot in front of most of the school.

Y/N: I seemed to have missed a lot in my confused state. Sorry if I had known...

Akko: Don't stress about it Nii-Chan! I am more than capable of dealing with a bunch of bullies!

Y/N: If you say so! Just tell me if things get too out of hand ok?

Akko: I will!

The empty cafeteria that we were sat in was now beginning to fill up as I looked around and saw my new dorm mates walk in with the crowd.

Akko: I haven't gotten an opportunity to ask you this yet Nii-Chan, who did you get put with? I'm surprised they didn't put you with us!

Y/N: You see those three over there?

She turns to where I was pointing. Diana, Hannah and Barbara were sat at a table on the far side of the cafeteria chatting to each other.

Akko: Are you serious?! Why them?!

Y/N: I dunno. Ask the school. I didn't have a choice! Is there something wrong with them?

Akko: You bet there is! Diana is just so stuck up! And her friends? Don't get me started!

I knew something definitely had to be wrong if they made Akko this upset.

Y/N: Do you want me to talk to them?

World Of Fantasy (A LWA Fanfic) {Hannah and Barbara x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now