Chapter 5: Talk To Us!

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[Hannah POV]

Diana: Has anyone been able to wake Y/N up yet? He needs to be up soon so we could get to lesson.

Barbara: I've been trying but he is still sleeping!

Damn. That guy is a really heavy sleeper!

Hannah: Have you tried shaking him awake yet?

Barbara: I have!

I walk over and join my friend who was sat on the edge of the bed. She looked extremely worried.

Hannah: I'm sure there's no reason to be so worried Barbs! He might just be oversleeping!

When I walked in yesterday, she did look to be sitting very close to him. Slowly she seemed to be warming to him. I'm yet to have a chance like she has.

I was looking forward to it!

Hannah: Have you tried flipping him over? That might do it!

Barbara: I-I didn't want to do that! He went to bed in a bad mood last night and I didn't want him to wake up in one.

Diana: I'm sure he would appreciate it if we woke him up so he isn't late. Please do your best to do so!

I nod my head and flip Y/N over. It doesn't do anything and he remains asleep.

However, his face was stained with what looked to be tear tracks.

Hannah: H-Has he been crying?!

Barbara: I-is that why he's still asleep? Did he cry himself to sleep?

I could feel my heart clench. I didn't want Barbara to be right but it did seem like that happened.

Diana: This...changes a few things. If that is the case then there has to be a cause.

I stand up from my seated position and think of what it could be.

Hannah: He was in the bathroom a long time last night. Maybe he left something in there that caused this.

I went in there and had a look around and found nothing until I looked in the recently empty bin and found something.

Hannah: A photo?

Looking closely, there was a young boy being held by who I assume was his mother stood beside his father.

Hannah: That looks like Y/N!

I come out of the bathroom and look over to see that Barbara was still sat beside Y/N trying to get him to wake up.

Diana: He might not have gotten enough sleep last night. If we have to leave him then so be it.

I go over to Diana and show her the picture.

Hannah: I think this might be the reason.

She takes the picture from my hands and looks at it. She spent ages looking at it and then back over at Y/N.

Diana: This is Y/N with his mother and father yes?

Hannah: I assume so. But he told me and Barbara that his parents abandoned him in Japan and that he was adopted by that Akko girl and her family.

Diana entered a state of thinking before her face lit up and she turned to me.

Diana: You don't mind if I keep this with me do you? You didn't want to give it back to him?

Hannah: Oh no no! I wouldn't give it back to him! It think that might be the root of this problem.

Diana nods her head and pockets the photo.

World Of Fantasy (A LWA Fanfic) {Hannah and Barbara x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now