Black Eyes

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Mia's P.O.V

I walked out of the dressing room seeing Jensen and Jared sitting in their chairs, they waved for me to come over,

Me:"Hey."-I walked up-
Jensen:"Got your style perfectly."
Me:"Right! So can I see the script?"
Jensen:"Of course."

Jensen gave me part of the script,

Me:"Just this?"
Jensen:"For now."

He smiled and I shook my head squatting down reading the script.

Jensen:"We have another chair you know?"-he laughed-
Me:"I know, less walking."

Jensen laughed and shook his head, I stood up and looked at him,

Me:"So someone helps me get out of hell and into purgatory?"
Jensen:"That's right, when the scene after that is getting set up you can have the second half of the script."
Me:"Oh alright, be right back."

I stepped away calling Jeffrey,

Jeffrey:"Hey hun, how's it going?"
Me:"Good so far about to shoot the first scene I'm in so I figured I would call to hear your voice.."
Jeffrey:"Does my wife miss me?"
Me:"I do.."
Jeffrey:"It'll be over in no time, besides your surprise is ready for you when you get home."
Me:"Really? So what are you doing?"
Jeffrey:"Laying here stroking my cock thinking about you."
Me:"What! Seriously.."

I heard him laugh pretty hard, I sighed and rolled my eyes,

Jeffrey:"No I'm not doing that I promise, but I am heading home grabbed dinner."
Me:"Your driving!?"
Jeffrey:"Uh yea?"
Me:"Call me when you get home, I love you!"
Jeffrey:"Yes wife, I love you too."

He chuckled as he hung up, is he insane? Shouldn't have any distractions while driving.

Jensen:"Mia! Come on."

I laid my phone on the makeup desk and ran over to Jensen and Jared,

Jensen:"Your characters name is Jade."
Me:"I can live with that."
Jensen:"Awesome, let's get started."

Jeffrey's P.O.V

I watched from afar as I hung up with Mia, I love how she has no idea I'm here. A soft chuckle escaped my lips, I turned around getting dressed. When I looked again it's like everything around me faded and all my focus stayed on Mia, the way she acts is quite amazing! Someone tapped my shoulder so I looked to see one of the producers, I followed him to finish getting ready for the next scene.

Mia's P.O.V

The scene ended and I walked over grabbing a bottle of water when Jensen held the second half of the script in front of my face, I laughed and saw him look over my shoulder, I grabbed the script reading it quickly. When a part caught my eye I looked up and stepped back bumping into someone,

Me:"I am so sorry.."

I turned around seeing Jeffrey, he had a huge smile on his face, I jumped and lightly squealed, Jeffrey laughed and pulled me into a hug,

Me:"No fucking way!"
Me:"Fuck yea! This is pretty cool."
Jeffrey:"Why don't you finish reading the script."

I raised my eyebrow then looked back down at the script reading where I left off, I slowly looked up once I finished reading the script looking at Jeffrey with a pouty look,

Jeffrey:"Baby.. not that look."
Me:"But why?"

Jensen chuckled,

Jensen:"It'll get better I promise."
Me:"You better not be lying or it's your ass."

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