Spaces to Fill

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How can the feeling of achieving feel so  lonely.

One minute I'm happy next minute I'm saddened.

How can blessings and success not weigh the same when all you hear is congrats, keep going is not even enough.

Twist and turn try to find a space where everything makes sense.

I jump ahead of fear and still cant sleep straight

When is something ever enough. I guess  I'm in the passenger seat while everyone drives my say. My heart. My life.

A closed mouth wont get fed as the elders say.

Pick up yourself and he'll show you the way.
I'm walking into spaces that I wouldn't have walk in before and that's a scary path for me to take.

Everyone seems to have their mouthpiece while I keep overthinking everything to say.
What will it take

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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