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Something that takes over your body whenever your feeling something so close.
You take me on rollercoasters and different directions only you know.
My decision stem from you no matter how small or large.
You make me  feel so much at once my mind can't handle.
Why do you overtake my body in so many ways.
I cant eat, sleep, breath or focus when your in control.
I say things that are too blunt and hurtful because of this dark place that you stem from.
Stem from the place of hurt, sadness and no sense of love because I dont know how to feel or receive it.
You have carried me through a path of resentment, frustration.
Love and the death of a soul that once rose but now it's no longer there.
How can I ever feel again. You took everything I wanted to know away from my body and soul.
Wisdom couldn't even protect me from those who seen the innocence of my soul.
You make me hate ever feeling or expressing my thoughts again.
No matter how close you get to me. I shut you off by feeling the numbness of me leaving my physical being.
Your hidden feelings and words for years were bent upside,  has made me come to the conclusion that I will never want to feel or give in to you again.

Rosen from the GroundWhere stories live. Discover now