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I never know which way too feel cause your always in drive.
You steer me away from my friends, family and love relationships.
Because you take so much time away myself.
You creep up inside of me like a staggering stranger.
Anytime I feel you it's either when I'm uncertain or challenged.
You never let me feel or experience anything.
I allowed you to make me fearful.
I allowed you take me away from my people.
Your unwanted guest that lived with me for years.
I always questioned your motives.
Why me? I'm left unspoken.
I cant focus when your in drive.
I'm left in tears cause you make me cry.
I hate this feeling. I want all of me centered.
You come in unwanted moments.
I let you take over for way to long and now I need to be focused.
My heart beat races when I take anything serious , because I'm so worried. The feeling and sound through my chest is just the warning.
I never needed your control, I got my own.
Goodbye, unwanted worries.

Rosen from the GroundWhere stories live. Discover now