Chapter 1 ig.

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We all came to Hopes Peak Academy yeah yeah................

Stocking: Huh? Where am i? I dont remember a single thing.... 

-Stocking gets up and goes to the cafeteria-

Stocking: Huh? Who are these people?


Melli: I see you got dragged here too.... Does anyone know where we are?

Stocking: What happened?

Ev: Well I dont know?! How are we supposed to know?!

Riana: Ev, Chill out! We atleast need to introduce ourselves!

Ev: You got a point i guess...

-After introducing-

Monokuma: Students, please meet me in the Gym!

HanaYumi: Gym huh... Alright I guess..

-Everyone moves to the Gym-

Ren: The person who called us isnt here?

Hutao: Ev, did you know....

Ev: What is it.

Hutao: You have a virus called sugondese?


Hutao: Suck on deez nutz.....

Ev: I hate you with all my life and i swear I would kill you.

Hutao: Thats why ur dad didnt come home with the milk

Melli: Guys remember, there is no time to fight.

HanaYumi: Melli is right. It's just a waste of time.

Riana: Is that a bear..?

Monokuma: Hello everyone

Melli: Ur piss

Monokuma: I would execute you but it will make less boring PHUHUHU!!!

Hutao: That's why you have nobody with you.. HAIHDSHFAHSA 

Melli: You stole my line dumb shit.

-skip to death scene bc why not-

Monokuma: A body has been discovered!

Riana: Who died?

Hutao: Ren died..

Ev: Yeah..

-after gathering up the evidence/at the class trial-

Stocking: So.. Who killed Ren?

Hutao: probably Ev? 

Ev: says the one who fucking bullied me at the Gym #girlboss

Hutao: Tf you mean!?!?!? 🐺

Melli: Don't judge to early now. Lets look at the evidence.

-after looking at the evidence bc lazy-

Riana: So the one that killed Ren is... Hutao!

Hutao: What? Proof!

Melli: We showed you enough proof, its over.

-voting time-

-everyones vote Hutao-

Monokuma: Hutao has been executed!

end of the chapter. I will add 2 more ppl in the next chapter. Have a good day everyone!!

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