chapter 1(reset)

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we all awoke in a class, dont know how we got there but we all remembered eachother very clearly.

(me)el's pov

*wakes up* what? how am i here..? i swear i was at my friends house... did someone kidnap me?!?!? ok nevermind..  let just go outside and see where i am...

*sighs* "am i the only one here?" I said while walking down a hallway.

"Hello, students! please make your way to the gym right now!" someone said, I didnt know who that was but i was dumb enough to follow...

I opened the gyms door and saw my friends talking to eachother. "El you're here? I thought u were the one thats supposed to save us..." said melli, "OH HELL NAH IM NO SUPERHERO" I responded.


anyway character introduction!!

El- Ultimate ??? (Protag) (murderer)

Eio- Ultimate Guider (executed)

Ev- Ultimate Singer(Antag) (dead)

Cyn- Ultimate Artist (executed)

Melli- Ultimate Adviser(Mastermind) (victim)

Re- Ultimate Magician (actual mastermind) (dead)

Syn- Ultimate Nurse (executed)

Jewel- Ultimate Model (victim)

Vera- Ultimate Pianist(victim)
(my dear friends pls tell me if i missed anyone or if u want me to add anyone)

back to el's pov

So why are the 9 of us here?
Did we get drugged??what just happened..
"HELLO HELLO HELLO, GOOD MORNING STUDENTS! I AM MONOKUMA! UR PRINCIPLE" Monokuma said, "Wow is a dead ass robot bear the actual principle?" Eio replied to Monokuma. I started to deeply go in my thoughts. "uhh el?" Syn tapped my shoulder, i jumped and looked behind me "WHAT THE HELL SYN???..." I yelled while Syn was giggling.

-a hour later-

cyn's pov

*walking in a hallway* where is the cafeteria..?? wait is that my friends? whats happening.? "CYN!" ev was telling me to go to them, when I pushed everyone aside I saw vera hanging there dead. I was in complete shock, until el told me to step aside. "didnt know this was a death game.. surprising! but i know for a fact that one of you killed vera!" el said, "WHAT!?" the rest of us yelled in shock looking at eachother.

cliffhanger yass anyway part 2 like maybe tonight or tmrw  idk anyway bye

(354 words)

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