chapter 4

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-after finding evidence and going to the trial room again-

eio's pov

"Okay so, lets start checking the evidence." I said, everyone nodded but el was silent for some reason.. "EL!" ev yelled. "you always go so deep into ur thoughts and just dont listen!" ev yelled again with a annoyed voice, "yeah yeah whatever little ass baby" el said, I honestly was enjoying the drama.

cyn's pov

"STOP YOU 2!"i yelled at them but that didnt stop them from fighting.. it just dragged me in the fight. "alright stop, just look at the evidence" re said making us stop, after re said that i looked at the others and eio looked worried.

-looking at evidence-

el's pov

"so 1st evidence is this button.. this is similiar to eios button on his ugly ass shirt!" I said, eio looked annoyed but he didnt really care what i said.. (i just wanted to add this idk why)

-after inspecting at evidence-

"eio? our guider? the murderer? hah no way!" ev said, "im sorry ev, i guess i cant lead u in horror games now." eio said.

bye eio!

-after voting-

Eio was drag in a some place to face the punishment. eio was in a horror maze and needed to escape within a 1 minit time limit, after the 1 minute passed a jinn appear and the 1 minute time limit reseted. Eio has 1 minit to survive the jinn but there were multiple, eio got caught by one of the jinns and suddenly disappeared. the only thing left was eios hand.

el's pov

melli and eio are gone as well. why are we here? just to suffer? get tortured.? "eio.." tears dripped down my friend's faces, i still didnt care as much but all of these deaths keep hurting me deep inside.

sorry eio ik u told me not to make u die so early but i didnt have any ideas....making chapter 5 this evening!! 😅😅

(331 words)

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