1. Escaped

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I walk limping, trying hard to get out from a basement through the door. My bones cracked in protest as I forced myself to climb up the rusty stairs, just a few more steps before the blue sky and the fresh air. Few steps before my freedom. I turned my face to the darkness behind me, fear creeping slowly, I wiped my eyes hastily to clear my vision, my body tense, frightened. The silence is deafening. I know he could be somewhere, watching me crawl up, desperately trying to stay alive. While he builds up his scenarios, thinking of which death scenes will be suitable for me. But before he kills me, I'll make sure he'll have a hard time finding me. I can run, I can hide, even though I know I can't possibly live to pass Christmas. Hell, I might not pass Easter. But today, I will outrun him. As long as I can. That's all that matters to me now. Realizing that there's no one, I continue to climb up. 

Come on, come on, we can do this! A voice was heard in my head, cheering me up.

It was mid-day when I finally got out of the basement. The sun is high above my head, scorching hot and burning me down, drenched sweats didn't make my heated body cooler, but stinging in pain. Few raw skins can be seen all over my limbs. I winced in pain. Blasted man, why didn't he just kill me? It will save him more time and for sure he knows a few easier ways to end me. Instead, he tortured me. He called himself The Hunter. Of course, I already know the answer to my question. I cursed him and paced up a bit.

One of my bare feet landed on the wild grass, it felt nice and cold. Seeking more inner strength, I let out sharp breathing and walk with steady steps. Walk faster, I chant it like a mantra, he could be anywhere, I need to run, run, run, but my legs hurt so bad. My feet are swollen, one of the toes is bent at a weird angle, it was painful before but now only numbness is left. My head is heavy, as a result of sleepless nights. He didn't allow me to sleep, I was wide awake for only God knows how many days. I'm on the edge of losing my mind. I tried to acknowledge where I might be now, but I can't recognise anything. Where am I? Am I still in Portsmouth?

With my hearing half blocked, I can hear people talking in the distance, almost like bee's buzzing. My vision is blurry, I don't know which direction I need to go. My palms sting each time I hold on to the wired fence, I inspect it closer to my eyes, it's blistering red. Oh yeah, he forced me to hold on to the electrical iron bar last night. My brain reminds me. Half walk and half crawl I drag myself to the source of the voices. I have no strength left, the adrenaline wears off and now it leaves me with nothing but agonizing pain in my body. Please, let me die now. I don't know who he is. I don't know what I have done to him. Why did he pick me and a few other girls? Why is this happening to me? Why is my life so damn broken like this?

I turn to the corner and meet with the busy main street. Some of them are playing basketball, and the others are just casually talking and doing their communal activities. I can't hold on any longer. The pain in my body is agonizing, no spot that pain-free. I guess I might die before he found me.

"Somebody..help.." My pleading voice finally caught people's attention. They turned their heads to me when I appeared from the corner with a dry blood-stained shirt, barefooted and beaten face, their face filled with fear, a few of them shrieking in horror, afraid to get closer. Of course, who wouldn't? If I saw someone in the same condition as me now, I wouldn't want to get closer too. I don't blame them.

"Help.. anyone please.." I cried harder, I fell on my knees to the paving block, "help me.. he is going to kill me.." my head throbbing in pain, it won't go away even after I shake my head vigorously, the pain is still there. Heavy. Hurt. Cloudy. Why is nobody helping me?  I lost all of my strength. 

"Miss, miss, can you hear me?" A nervous voice intrudes my ears, I shake my head again. "Miss, I will call 911. Hang on a while"

"help.." that's all I can manage to say, and before the darkness takes over my consciousness, my body slumped to the ground with a soft thud.

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