5. An Old Wound

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Another morning sun came up. I was awoken by the birds chirping and the wonderful smell of freshly made bagels. Luke brought me a bacon sandwich bagel, with some fruit platter and hot chocolate. As he promised me before, he always came with a cup or two of hot chocolate, sometimes ice chocolate. He helped me up to the bathroom and I had a good time soaking in the hot water. Too tired to wash my hair, I politely asked Luke if he didn't mind helping me wash my hair. He agreed. So after I put on the bathrobes, I sat down on the stool, leaning on the sink, and he started to wash my hair. Back then, my brother always washed my hair like this, I closed my eyes and felt the comfort of it. A familiar feeling warmed my heart. After that, he wrapped my hair with a towel and left me to change into fresh clothes.

I watch myself in the mirror. I look awful. The bruises become lighter in colour, no more swollen eyes, my torn lips healed. I turned and examined my bareback. A few scars from when he whipped me, still reddish and hurt. But at least the bruises are healed. Then there it is. Number 5 is carved into my skin. I have no idea what he used, the flesh is cut open and it still stings like hell. Then I look down at my feet. Not really a good sight either, actually. Trembling, I wore my fresh hospital gown. I wish I had my own clothes. I wonder if I can remember my apartment, maybe I could ask someone to get my clothes there. After I dried out my hair, I walked back to my bed, tugged my legs under the cover, and Luke set the table for my breakfast. He sat in front of me, having coffee.

"Drink the water first, Ava," he told me, I nodded and poured the water into the glass and gulped it down. He smiled in satisfaction and bit into his BLT sandwich.

I eat while thinking about my night. After a long sleepless night, nightmares, and plenty of tears, I am finally able to sleep for a couple of hours at dawn. I beg the nurse to not give me any sedative again, I need to face my fear. I can't depend on drugs all the time. Sooner or later it has to stop and I stopped it last night. Promised her that I will ask for it if the panic attack or the nightmare is too extreme.

"You must have been exhausted last night. You've been up all night with me" I said to him. He shook his head, 

"When I was in Iraq, I used to sleep only a couple of hours during night time, and these few months I kinda have sleeping trouble, so don't worry about me. What's your nightmare about, if you don't mind I asked?"

"The basement. Portsmouth. The monster is under my bed. My family. You know, all of it is in black and white like scenes from old movies. Some of it I can't remember about, I know it's important, but it seems my brain is not allowing me to remember it" I answered him and continued to eat.

"Do you remember anything else?"

"I guess I am. A few more. After you called my name". Then I remembered I hit his left cheek, my hand stung actually, but it's okay now. His cheek was kinda pinkish, probably because of what I did. "Luke, come closer please" I put down my bagel, wipe my hand with a tissue napkin. He stared at me, but then he walked to my right side. I touched his cheek, he was tense a bit, but then he relaxed. "I'm sorry. Did it hurt?" I put my palm on his cheek.

"It was, but it's not anymore, you have a strong right jab, I wonder where you are working actually" he chuckled and put his palm above mine.

Disgusting!! The voice snapped angrily. How could you touch an enemy like this!! You're fraternizing with the enemy!

Shut up! Let her be! My brain is defending me. Then the voice left.

"And I'm sorry to call you a bastard, although I have to admit, I lost my trust in you a little bit. I know it's not your fault, and I'm truly sorry in advance. But I couldn't help it, my brain acting up at me." I stare right into his eyes, he has such wonderful eyes. At that moment, I can feel my heart change.

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