4. Broken

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"At least we know her real identity" Rossi sipping his second glass of coffee, talking to another person by phone, "I'm way too old for that kind of scene" he pinched his nose bridge and sat down on the bench, sighed and then leaning back. Maybe it's time to stop doing this kind of job. The last time he was being choked by that Chameleon, and now he almost got hit by a bed, he was frozen for a couple of seconds.

"Are you okay, Dave?" Emily comes running and sits next to Rossi in front of Ava's room. She glances through the window, Luke is sitting close to Ava. His face is unreadable. His head hung low between his hands, "What happened to Luke?"

"Ava hit his face and accused him of being a traitor, and then she told him she hates him. And me" Tara answered. Matt smiled and looked at Tara who returned his smile with a little chuckle, recalling when Ava and Matt were having funny banter about how much she hated him, but because she was sedated, their banter was kinda absurd to be heard, "The drugs are still in her brain. But Luke takes it all personally to him. He was hurting. That girl affected him"

"She didn't hear Tara or me calling her name when she was having a panic attack. If she heard us, the situation would be different. It's not like every day someone throws me a medical bed" Rossi stood up suppressing laughter, the other giggled at his statement, knowing what he will say next if this isn't a criminal case. Rossi is always good at fixing his mood, he knows very well that if he gets sullen, the other will pick up his mood too. And that's not gonna do good.

"Guys, I'm still here! And yes we found her identity but restricted to her name only" Garcia spoke through the speakerphone, grabbing the attention back to her, "We can't figure out anything else. But she is Savannah Davis before WitSec changed her identity to Isla Harper, 10 years ago. Unfortunately, we have no authority to open her file. We need higher permission. And I'm tired of having an issue with Barnes." She delivered the information and part of her thoughts about one of their top bosses, and the others agreed, reminding themselves of how much Linda Barnes hates this team and almost ripped them apart. No one wants to deal with her ever again.

"We're just gonna need to pull it out from Ava herself. Then we don't need Barnes' permission. Maybe" Emily pulled out her tablet and wrote something "So you guys said she got triggered by Rossi's presence?" She frowned and turned her face to the girl inside.

"Yeah, she almost hit Rossi with that bed" Tara shook her head "I really can't find any understanding with this case. What's Dave's connection to this? Is it just a random trigger button? And how can someone wipe clear her ID as Isla in the first place anyway? If somebody erased Isla Harper files, would that mean he knows her real ID? I'm curious, what is so special about her?" Tara's questions are the same on everyone else's mind. 

No one answers her question. That person didn't bother to alter her information but erased her entire identity at once. They once faced this kind of crime with Mr Scratch, but he still altered or used the identity for his pleasure to deceive the team. But this one, he wiped it clear, as he wanted her to disappear from the world.

"I just wish we wouldn't find that Paige or Melinda body anytime soon, later alligators!" Garcia said and disconnected herself.

"Alright, let's go back and break everything down. Matt, you want to change places with Reid here? You can use some break time" Emily asks him, knowing he will need some good sleep.

"No, I'm okay, I can sleep by the sofa, that girl is still unstable, and at the moment Luke cannot handle himself like usual, my best guess is this case brings his memory about Phil back on the surface. I need to watch him at the moment," Matt explained the situation to his boss, she nodded in understanding. They all know how miserable Luke was a few months ago, not to mention that his girlfriend left him behind afterwards. And yes, Matt is right, he is not himself lately. Moreover, after she showed up.

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